Chapter Fifty Seven

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Nathanial Winters

I had flown in midday from Tokyo after getting on my plane at twelve, I was home at one in the afternoon and thankfully because of when Arilynn gets off work I went home told security to not inform her that I was back from Tokyo so I could surprise her and got dressed in a suit after showering and drying out the shower so that if she had a shower after work before going out with the girls which she would since my sisters had been told, and I got them to convince Amelia to book a reservation at a restaurant chain that I had bought three months back and had only just been refurbished and reenvisioned to what it was now.

The rest of my plan was then to simply wait at my parent house and catch up with them since this time of year they were planning their winter vacation months in advance and talked to them about taking Arilynn to Marbella the morning after the Winter Charity Gala and also just catching up since I hadn't really had the chance to come to my parents house the past weeks for any period of time.

Once it was around seven thirty which was half an hour after the reservation I got back into my Aston Martin and drove back to New York, and it's most populous borough to arrive at the Two Knives where Arilynn's Chiron had already been moved back to the penthouse so that I could park central to the restaurant and then go in to surprise her which once more worked perfectly since I arrived at eight fifteen on the dot and went in to order myself a scotch and simply wait out the rest of the dinner without interrupting the girls night.

Arilynn looked beautiful in that dress. She was all the time but she looked stunning to me, and I couldn't deny that she could be wearing a designer dress or comfy pants and one of my hoodies and would still be the most gorgeous woman I'd ever met. I had no more work trips planned until the end of February so Arilynn had to now be stuck with me for three months.

At the end of their dinner I caught the waiter and told him that I would pay for the meal they were having before his supervisor came over and I explained what was going on along with that I was the owner and paying for my fiancé and her group. This got the ball rolling once more and now I would just wait until the my significant other looked over from her booth.

When she did she seemed shocked that I was there before a smile sprung onto her face once she realized who it was that had paid for her meal. Seeming to contain herself she walked over to me with the smile on her lips transforming into a slightly sly one.

"Mr. Winters you're attracting attention from the patrons of the bar I see" Arilynn says stopping in reach of me, and I took the final sip of my drink before setting the glass down along with a twenty dollar bill for a tip and then standing and pulling Arilynn too me.

"I only have one woman I'm interested in love, I'm holding her" I quip and she blushes crimson.

"I am not wearing anything other then mascara, eyeliner, bronzer, and lipstick do not make me blush" she says and I just smile down at her.

"Never love, I was hoping to convince you to come for a drive with me though, we have a house to go and see".

"Can you legally drive, because if not I haven't drank anything alcoholic" Arilynn says wrapping her arms around my back.

"Neither have I, I've been driving since getting back to New York, went and saw my parents and spent a ew hours with them. I also covered my tracks well I see. You didn't seem to suspect I was home" I say.

"Exactly how long have you been back in New York?".

"Eight hours now. I've been doing my best to make sure that you weren't tipped off that I was home by being everywhere but where you were until now".

"It seemed to have worked".

"Indeed now let's go for a drive, I want to see this house, and I want the excuse to take you away from all of these people" I say and she just smiles up at me as we walked out of the restaurant and down to my Vantage.

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