Chapter Forty One

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Nathanial Winters

Pulling on a suit the day after I got back from London wasn't necessarily my plan especially with the fact that it was a fucking Saturday and I didn't actually want to be going to a hearing but here I was buttoning the Dormeuil suit that I had been gifted by my father when I took over at Winters Group and I'd never worn it since it was an extremely expensive and well made suit.

Today was different though.

I wanted to make it extremely clear that nothing on earth was going to shake me least of all a court proceeding that I knew would go in my favour, and the courts even had 'discreetly' acknowledged that the trial was only occurring because it was protocol to do so.

Pulling the iron grey tie tightly to my collar I straightened it before Arilynn walked in and looked over my appearance. The Prussian blue fabric had small strands of black providing a box pattern across the blazer with grey passing along the inseam of each square in smaller vertical lines. I could tell that my dad had known that I'd grow over the years and seemed to have guessed correctly though the man had been getting bespoke and tailored clothing since he was a child so I'd imagine he had picked up how to size people correctly.

"You're going to knock them dead, I know it. Besides I know that this will go well for you" Arilynn said realigning the pocket square and smoothing out the labels.

"I'm walking into a courtroom filled with people who have very good opinions of Winters Group. We've been funding the police, and many of their technologies for decades" I say breathing in deeply once before exhaling in a single burst.

"This city owes your family more then I think you're willing to admit, also I thought this would go well with your suit" she says handing me a Patek Nautilus that had been perfectly shined, and looked brand knew.

"Don't tell me you bought this just for today?" I muse and a small coy smile covers her lips though she seemed rather pleased still.

"And if I did".

"Well now I certainly look like a million dollars" I laugh before accepting the watch and kissing her gently. "Don't want to ruin your makeup" I add and she just shakes her head.

"Go to your hearing it's in half an hour, and don't get caught speeding I know you well enough" Arilynn says stepping back as I clasped the watch to my wrist.

"You know me better then I think I know myself" I admit looking at her and not being able to convince myself that I had perhaps done everything I had, and would do for her. I'd told myself it was for me, to prove to myself that I was able to do things myself, but it was for her. These last six years were to protect her, and secure a solid future for her and I.

"Maybe, now go. I have to leave for work anyways" she laughs and I give her another chaste kiss before rushing off downstairs and pulled open the key drawer before taking out the key to my Vantage and stepping into the elevator.

When the doors opened a moment later I crossed the room and slipped into one of the few vehicles I'd owned since high school. Starting the car, I quickly drove off towards the exit and left just as swiftly not really listening to Arilynn's recommendation that I drive normally for people in New York.

As I got closer to the courthouse I found news vans, and cars lining the curbs and sidewalks a lot thicker then they should have been, which only made sense when I saw the amount of security by the steps and the amount of people that were all behind lines hoping to get a picture of me as I arrived and likely Vanessa who's Rolls Royce was parked across the street. I suspected that she was already inside since I knew she would want to arrive early enough to get inside before the throng of people would arrive to witness the arrival.

Parking central to the courthouse steps, I slipped on my sunglasses and adopted a cold emotionless expression before getting out of the car and shutting the door under the dozens of flashing cameras, and questioning reporters gaze. Locking the vehicle I then made my way up the steps as taught to my left hand free hanging right in my pocket with my thumb protruding.

There was something about the perspective I was taught that sat deeply though, I had gotten attention and I always would but I knew that despite my reservations at letting any of these photos reach the media, I would just to prove that I wasn't affected by this case, and that I would stand resolute in the face of this attempt.

Getting to the doors I walked into the courthouse where I found Vanessa talking to the lawyers that were present in cheerful soft chatter. This was show and it made me laugh internally, New York knew better then to try and do anything against the Winters name, we had made our place here, and we knew that we'd always have support since we'd sacrificed so much to become NYC's it family.

"Good morning Vanessa, gentlemen" I say nodding to both my cousin and the lawyers who would be representing the state of New York.

"Mr. Winters" one of them, a copper haired man, says extending his hand to me, "Isaac Asherton" he introduces.

"Nathanial Winters the second" I reply and Isaac points to me and glances at his partner.

"How formal" he remarks and his partner sticks out his hand to me which I took and gave a firm but curt handshake.

"Jamie Vance" the other says himself as typical western as many of the people here, blonde haired, blue eyed. "It sucks that we have to go against you, your company has done a lot for this city, even the country, in fact I should be thanking you, I took my Masters of Law at the same time that you were at Harvard, kept seeing you around campus. I even got to see your remark to that one professor that had tried to call you a spoiled rich kid".

"I still feel semi bad for that outburst" I admit, "but don't thank me Jamie, my parents are the one that built Winters Group, I have merely been the maintainer".

"I still respect you, these last six years you've kept it all together, and you made New York a better place with a lot of your charity work here".

"Well thank you Jamie, now I need a coffee before this trial starts in five minutes" I say, "excuse me". With that I walked off towards the room for the defence of my case and made myself a coffee right before Vanessa came in.

"Those two were talking you up since I arrived. Most people don't get to meet a Winters, at least the billionaire ones there are tens of thousands around the world, and yet you're the real deal for many of the people in this city".

"Well, that's also the fun of it, I get to be inspiring and unable to be googled" I muse pressing the white plastic lid on my paper cup before walking out of the coffee room right as the doors to the courtroom opened.

"Eight thirty court proceeding. Nathanial Winters versus the State of New York".

I then glanced at the people entering nodding politely go the lawyers before all of us found our seats and the doors shut behind us to begin.
A little shorter but it does the trick, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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