Chapter Eighteen

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Nathanial Winters

The following morning Arilynn, our PPO's and I all walked out of the Four Seasons back to the cars and got in.

Turning on the engine I sat in the car fiddling with various settings to make the car as comfortable for the drive home as I could. Arilynn also was still half asleep and under offer Vesper had gotten her a coffee same as me for the trip back to New York.

I then watched Arilynn walk back and slip into the passenger seat of my car before buckling her seat as I pull away from the curb and speed up towards the highway that will lead me out of Washington.

These long drives were more relaxing than one would think, I enjoyed the time spent on the road driving along listening to music with one hand while holding Arilynn's with the other.

I make too much money and I still appreciate all this.

I'd seen money change people, the only thing it had changed about me was what I did with it.

Every year for the past six years I had gone to Monaco and attended the most elite and exclusive charity where a shit turnout brings in three billion dollars go give back go nations all over the world.

That was the advantage to growing up rich, I've had access to money my entire life and I knew it. I had a preexisting network of people who would meet with me, and still I didn't let it corrupt me like many of my peers. I also wasn't willing to commit to a grudge with no purpose. I knew how to put myself so high up that no one would ever question me or try and take anything from me.

I understood my parents more now why they always stayed in secrecy because when everyone knows your name but not your face you can do just about anything with zero issue and never be bothered about anything. I also got to do many things without every being seen or acknowledged for it like the fact that right now around the world Winters Group had opened schooling that was privately funded though completely free for parents to send their kids too. We offered development to countries that suffered, and had modernized while still restoring the natural element to the world.

It was my main focus to make sure that the world got back as much of it's natural appearance without putting in place some form of agenda that took things away from people. That was something I wanted to do since I was younger, and it was something that my dad had pushed the envelope on. No one would know that either but it was fairly common for my father to approach the leaders of countries that had wealth or life quality divide and cut them a deal that if they didn't agree with he would do regardless. Some were smart and took the deal that in turn improved their cut of the development or was simply left to watch a man from a separate country improve the quality of life in their country without a single second thought to do anything besides fix a problem and take the profits along with give a sizable amount back to the workers.

I had seen the amount of effort he had put into it and how effective it had been without a single day going by that anyone knew where the money came from until about five years ago when I insisted on letting photos of 747 Cargo planes landing in numerous countries in convoys. I had also shown that my father had ordered that nearly one hundred oil tankers be sent to third world countries to improve things with supplies and purpose built stations that were under the protection of Harrington Industries security that Winters Group had employed to protect these stations along with legal documents that would protect these efforts from Government intervention because it came from a global company which in turn meant dozens of countries were backing WGI since it was a donation from over thirty countries.

My dad now travelled to a few of those places and got to see first hand what I'd done and every time he saw it now he took pictures of the workers making jokes and smiling sending them back to me.

However it would seem in the public eye nothing had ever made my father as happy as seeing his children grow up and take after him.

I got to see that pride now, and experience seeing the world how he had. As a place for opportunity, and change if only one knew how to control it and make it run in their favour.

There were even talks years ago about changing the world order to have change and then all of a sudden here came my father releasing the fact that in a single year he had found ways to fix every problem that was damaging the earth and had ideas of how to better shape developing nations.

I had always hoped for better for the world and I had probably gotten my drive to do so for everyone from my dad who would never publicly admit he funded over two hundred billion dollars worth of civil projects with no hesitation when Winters Group was under investigation for tax fraud.

It was both my biggest fault and strength that I wanted the best for everyone around me. I wanted the best for my parents, my sisters, my friends, my fiancé. I even wanted the best for my kids whenever I have them.

Arilynn and I had talked about it but I let my mind wander to it wondering what exactly it would be like to have a family with her. I wanted one but I would never force her into anything it simply wasn't who I was.

I could picture it though, having little versions of ourselves running around and laughing uncaring to the cruelty of the world that I was attempting to change as best I could but it's not simple to change the world, or to make sure everything is smoothly ran business wise.

"What are you thinking about?" Arilynn asks interjecting between my thoughts.

"Our future, what it may look like" I reply looking over at her and she just smiles at me.

"What do you picture?" Arilynn beams.

"Us sitting on the patio of some house somewhere while a little version of you and me run around the yard in blissful ignorance. I picture nights spent together watching movies and making food. Trips around the world. I picture the growing pains of us being parents and having to figure it out" I say looking back at her from the road. "I picture a normal life outside of the business world".

"Sounds peaceful" Arilynn says and I hum in agreement.

"I think it will be" I say before looking back to the road once more as we passed over the border of Virginia into Maryland.

Completed the chapter, now I get to work on the other one that should be going up later today. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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