Chapter Thirty Two

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Sitting in the living room of the penthouse I had once again woken up early though it wasn't because I'd thrown up more I went to sleep at eight instead of ten last night and now I had woken at five. So now here I sat an hour and a half later fully dressed in a olive coloured button up grey trousers, and a matching blazer along with black heels.

The masculine clothing was also something that supposedly added to my prickly demeanor surrounding business.

Guess we all have a front when it comes to business.

I had already had breakfast, done another two hours of work and was waiting for it to be closer to eight before I left.

The unfortunate part was today I had to attend an interview with the media about the wedding between Nathan and I along with a general press conference about Hamilton Enterprises going forward.

As I finished my morning coffee I carried the mug back into the kitchen to deal with tonight when I got home before going to the lobby and taking the key to my Cullinan before going down to the garage.

Reaching the concrete area where all of the vehicles were I got into my car and headed off towards Hamilton Enterprises where I had been warned that news crews were already setting up and some were waiting for my arrival so they could take pictures and ask questions. My big problem was that I mostly didn't want to, I didn't feel like allowing New York's media the ability to know about Nathan and I's personal life. Them knowing that I had been planning things for a fashion show at the end of November was different. That could be known because it didn't matter those things were meant to be known to draw attention, but what kind of wedding we were having, when, where, and who all would be there didn't interest me, and I knew it didn't interest Nathan.

I also would eventually have to hide from media because I'd start showing by December when the Winters Charity Gala would happen.

That dress would have to be made for me then.

I had to also get the wedding dress measurements done soon so that It wouldn't be any different for when I got married to Nathan in August.

Nathan had also told me that he was sitting at home working today so if I decided I needed to just call and talk he would be more then willing to sit and listen to me, rant about people. He'd likely tease me about not being as kind to others as I was and I'd tell him I learned from him. It would just be the kind of banter we'd have lightly, and enjoy when it came to one another.

What I had always respected about Nathan, was such a small thing that he wouldn't admit to but he did time and time again. He didn't shut people out, he didn't cage his heart or his kindness like he believed he did. When things with him and Scarlett didn't work out he wasn't resistant to letting things be, and know it was better to move on. He let her in so that whatever friendship they once had could be kept. He was willing to protect her when she didn't remember and from what I could tell, didn't freak out when she told him she remembered him.

I actually found that there were stories of when they were young that he remembered quite endearing, they had numerous experiences together that made them more then willing to ignore the fact they dated for eight months. Nathan had even explained that he had lost his childhood friend for the third time and now he had her back for the third which now meant I'd get to actually spend decent time with Scarlett whenever that offer began to appear.

Getting to my building I slowed being cautious of the people crowded on the sidewalks that were taking pictures of me and my vehicle while building security moved down creating a clear space to and from my car along with around it so that I was protected from the reporters and news crews.

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