Chapter Twenty Two

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Arilynn Hamilton

The house was gorgeous. Even though it was stripped down to the frame work of the house and all of the things that normally got covered when a house was fully built or completed. However both Nathan and I had an idea for how the house would look that we had been discussing as we walked through the house and now was retelling Brianna who began making a digital image of the house for each room until we got to Nathan's expansion idea and with that I left it to him since he would have an idea and from what I could tell his idea wasn't half bad. It would cause a problem for when they went to build the house since it now made everything he wanted to do about fifteen million dollars more expensive then simply renovating the entire interior.

She followed behind us as we did too, making little notes of things that had all culminated in us standing around the plywood barren counter that in two months would be one of two for Nathan to cook us dinner and whatever else he decided was good enough to require the need for two counters, though Adrian's was about thirty feet long. So I wouldn't be too surprised to find out that Nathan got the idea for two counters because he grew up in a home with a massive chefs kitchen that was made to fit perfectly without standing out as if one was in an industrial restaurant.

Other rooms were like that. The main living room was supposed to have four large L shaped couches with and enormous fireplace that would be double sided and on the opposite side would be a dining room for approxamately ten people. There was also a vast amount of art that had been purchased or custom made to go into our house by various artists or art duplicator artists which was a genuine profession as long as you didn't try and sell it like the original and were honest that it was a 'fake'. Nathan had also personally put together the garage that would somehow hold all thirty of our cars.

Eventually after two hours of being there we walked out of the front door and back out to the car which perfectly reflected the moonlight that was shining down pale against the nights back drop of thousands of glowing diamond like stars pinpointed in the velvetine oil shaded backdrop of the night.

"Back to Steinway Tower?" I ask and he nods though Nathan appeared to be weighing out whether or not he felt like going back to the penthouse just yet.

"Kinda want to go for a drive down to Statten Island before going home, just to see what my eldest sister has been up to especially with today" Nathan states subtly acknowledging that there was a problem or complication in the day. It was his way of addressing that something had happened and making me aware of it without actually having to dig into the emotion of the problem. He had never taken it out on me, but I'd certainly seen him stressed when it seemed like his day took a dive into a blender.

"What happened?" I ask getting in opposite him in the Ferrari and buckling my seat.

"So Tech Security was alerted to someone breaking into the Winters Group Tower server room, and luckily the cyber protection system blocks out a device after it scans the device and finds it isn't licensed. Anyways the guy got four minutes worth of my financial payments so someone has enough information to figure out how much I am worth since it will provide times for when that money was due to me. My siblings and I along with Tatyana and Dakota who is my Tech Security Operations Manager are looking into finding the person along with launching an investigation with help from NYPD. That was my last meeting before I came and got you. Tatyana stated she was going to look into finding the person, though the security footage likely caught him we're looking for a way to find out how he managed to get the camera's to blur when able to see his face especially since the cameras are designed to make it seem as if you're standing right in front of someone to get every detail of their face".

"So the guy escaped?" I ask and Nathan nods though based on the grip he hand on the steering wheel he was annoyed by the fact that it happened at all, which I could understand since privacy was so important to him.

"What will happen when the guy is found?".

"If he doesn't admit to it, I'll press charges for the information theft. Which is four years and seven years for identity theft which this kind of information is classed under along with access codes to my banking information so that's one case, then four years for impersonation. Fifteen years total for whoever did it. Should they take any of my money now that's a whole other situation which would only add to it, but I don't think they can since part of the security features are to transform unauthorized documents to encrypted files that only the owner of said property can edit, copy, save, or duplicate. There is also a tracker to the device now, but it'll be a burner and destroyed while the USB it'll be put on won't be unless the person was dumb enough to put it on their phone first which moving the document only transfers all code associated with it to the USB".

I was shocked that it was so specific, and complicated. Nathan would have the person found and charged and I knew it however knowing who did it and having them locked up behind bars is a completely different thing, and I think he knows that the USB could be tampered with to have the file, but not addition transference code kept with it.

He may have explained how it all worked one day when I asked what he was doing.

"So how much money could this guy theoretically pull out of your account if he's smart enough?" I ask and Nathan presses his lips together as he mulled over all of the math in his head.

"One point five million dollars, maybe a little bit less" he responds sounding upset and for good reason.

Nathan had never had any of him money stolen from him, and at this point it was also able to be used to ruin him and his family considering that amount was only four minutes it wouldn't take too long to figure out just how much money a year Nathan made.

"You have enough people around you, and a large enough network of individuals to make sure that none of that money is taken from your account" I say and he nods in agreement.

"I know, still though it has the possibility to become a major problem if that income is figured out" Nathan states and I nod as he drove under the bridge towards Staten Island where his sister lived.

Nathan had on occasion done this, simply drove by to see how his family was doing because it gave him the excuse to take longer to go somewhere. It was his destressor and I didn't mind going with him when he did.

Passing through the streets lined by trees and houses that turned into hills and gated communities we eventually passed the juniper shielded home that my sister and her boyfriend lived in together, while all four of their vehicles sat outside their front steps.

"They live simply" I remark and Nathan nods.

"I'm sure they love it, they get left alone and aren't followed by camera's everywhere. It's fairly well known that I live in Steinway Tower" he says before speeding up slightly and heading back towards Manhattan.

When we crossed back into the main city of New York he seemed to relax into his seat and rested his hand on the nine o clock position of the wheel while holding my hand on my thigh with the other.

"What do you think of our new house?" he suddenly asks and I look over at him.

"I think it will be perfect when it's done being built" I say, "it'll be even more perfect since I will get to share it with you".

He smiles softly at that and looks over at me for a moment.

"Any home would be perfect with you by my side Arilynn. You've made my life a hell of a lot better simply by always being here for me".

Damn him for being so smooth.

Nearly ten minutes later he then pulled into the garage, and we got out to back up to our current home.

Done shorter then yesterdays which isn't saying much since yesterday's update was three thousand words. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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