Chapter Thirty Three

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At the end of my day I walked out of the front door by one o'clock, and down to my car before slipping into the front seat of the vehicle. I was hungry and needed to do something other then go home.

I then took out my phone and began looking through the lists of restaurants that were around the Southern half of Manhattan, until deciding on Le Pavillon and heading off towards Madison Avenue with music playing.

During mid day it seemed that things slowed because everyone was at their jobs and not as many people were walking unless they were students or tourists. There was also a lack of the busyness that persisted during the morning and five o'clock rush hour home.

As I got to the building where the restaurant was I parked and slid out before locking the car and heading inside the restaurant that I'd called ahead on my drive to book an impromptu reservation.

Good news was that I never had to name drop in Manhattan.

I never did but I knew a lot of people who had tried and didn't get their way, mostly new money that thought they could own the world which with enough time perhaps just not for a while, until they removed their egos from the equation.

Entering the building I looked around at the dark high ceilinged ambience that filled the room along with the smells of expensive richly spiced foods.

"Good afternoon miss" the waitress says and I bring my attention back to her.

"Good afternoon, I have a reservation for Arilynn Hamilton" I say.

"Right this way, please" the waitress says leading me off to a far side of the restaurant where I take a booth and order myself water since I don't drink enough of it.

Once the waitress was gone I opened the menu and began to look over everything that this restaurant had to offer. Both Nathan and I always went to the same sets of restaurants and rarely deviated from them unless of course we felt adventurous. Here was mostly just a place I'd never been and seemed appealing though it was certainly the kind of restaurant the whole of the Winters Family would enjoy.

I'll accustom myself so I am prepared for when Nathan makes this his go to.

When the waitress came back I was still looking over the menu and I began to semi panic because I would feel bad if they stood there for the next five minutes while I can't make up my mind.

"She'll order the wood fried octopus as an appetizer" someone says and I look up to see Scarlett walking towards the table dressed to the nines and looking far too sophisticated for even this restaurant. "I will have a dry martini and the rotisserie chicken salad" she adds sitting opposite me facing away from the door.

"Halibut en papillote please" I say going along with the fact that Scarlett was sitting opposite to me and I hadn't actually seen her in six years. She was a lot prettier, she'd matured, and certainly done a lot to tone her body, along with making sure to enhance her facial features subtly with makeup.

Certainly is a completely different but similar girl to the one I originally met when she was eighteen. 

"Of course, I will be right back" the waitress says with a soft smile before walking away.

"Scarlett, I would hope you're not stalking me" I state folding my hands and leaning forward to rest on my elbows on the wooden tabletop.

"No but I also work not far from you" Scarlett says a confident smile coming onto her lips. I wasn't envious of her but I certainly saw how her and my fiancé were so similar. "I also come here for lunch regularly" she adds pointing her keys over the booth and locking her car whose headlights flashed orange for a second.

"That would explain how you knew what was on there" I assess.

"Yes, it's also less awkward to catch someone at a restaurant then to show up at their work" Scarlett says taking out a hair clip and a foldable mirror from her purse to put her hair up for the meal.

"What did you want to catch me for?" I pry narrowing my eyes slightly.

"Your engagement, and me having to go through therapy to get back my memories, walking around this city I get back my memories, I've gone all over the world Arilynn to slowly get back glimpses of the past" Scarlett says before letting out a bemused laugh at herself, "I must seem so odd considering you and I have only ever talked once" she adds her French accent making the words have an endearing quality to them.

 "Not odd at all, I know that you're dating Derek Halloway, I know that Nathan and you have known each other pretty much your whole lives on and off because of events. I also know that you went to school with both him and his childhood friend Yana Khaliya" I say before our drinks are set down in front of us before the waitress is off again to go get the food we ordered.

"Yes, I just don't want you thinking I'm trying to get close to your man, even though he wouldn't cheat if it was the only way to save himself" Scarlett remarks.

"I know he wouldn't and I know he sees you as a sister. My engagement to him still feels like a fever dream in all honesty. I can tell he would rather be home, he's trying to get as much done before December as possible and it's going to take him a few more weeks but I'm sure he'll over do himself" I say.

"Derek is the same way, he's gone a lot recently working long hours but he has a lot on the go, galleries opening, tattoo shops being paid, renters signing agreements. I swear he's half grateful I work in finance, and half wishing I didn't because I used to fix all of the nuances in the payments. Better now though" she says lifting the glass to her lips.

"What about you, what is new with you?" I ask and she hums for a few seconds as she set down the glass.

"Mostly just work, I've been doing more and more. I want a holiday to the Cayman Islands".

"I think Nathan would go to Marbella or Monaco" I say before our food beautifully plated was set before us.

"Merci" Scarlett says before we began eating and continued talking.

"You, anything that wasn't announced to media. Also how you manage to keep them all under control is new. I've never seen them behave for anyone".

"I learned a while ago if you give the media nothing they will only ever ask or talk about what you want" I say with a sly smile.

"Ooh smart" Scarlett says, "I just answer to get them all to right there article and go away".

"Mystery is better then publicity. Depending on who you are" I quote and Scarlett just smiles.

"That came from Nathan and I agree it does with you all. Me not as much I don't mind it" Scarlett says.

"I don't mind the people, I just grew up around media silence my parents weren't really known in the world as a whole. I liked it. I liked the quiet life, still enjoy it".

"You seem like it. And I'm glad I get to see you before the wedding".

"Of course, now you should eat you have to go back to work, I don't" I say gesturing to her food.

"You're like a mother, but thanks" Scarlett says a soft laugh leaving her lips while I just shake my head slightly more in a way to ignore the truth that I was before having to admit it in a few days.
Done for the day, I hope you all enjoyed it, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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