Chapter Eight

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Driving down into the garage I backed into the parking spot where the car went and got out before walking towards the elevator with Arilynn not far behind me.

"A glass of wine and some classical music sounds great to make dinner too" I remark pressing the button to summon the elevator while letting out a sigh that makes Arilynn chuckle slightly.

"I'm sure you would love too. I can't cook though, but I'll have a glass of wine with you" she says as the doors open and we are let into the car before I once again press a button to let us up into our penthouse.

"You can cook, I've seen you. Also what would you like, I'll make you whatever you want Arilynn" I say giving her a soft smile.

"How about steak, I would kill for one".

"Sure" I say before the doors shut and the car began to rise up Steinway Tower.

What I found interesting was how the original Steinway Hall was incorporated into the modern tower that shared the name. I couldn't remember Winters Enterprises original building but as far as I knew it was altered to be the headquarters for a new business in the Financial District that grew in power and success. At this point I wouldn't be too surprised to find it was where the Stock Brokerage Subsidiary Headquarters was in New York.

I just know it's been that same building for thirty years.

The doors ding brings me back to reality and I walk out into the lobby and put the key away before walking towards the kitchen and rolling my sleeves up to wash my hands and start on dinner.

"I'm going to change into something comfy then I'll come down and have wine with you" Arilynn says holding onto the doorframe leading from the lobby into the living room.

"You have changed twice today" I laugh and she just shrugs in indifference before walking off to change.

Only the woman I will be marrying would change because she felt like it.

It was one of the many things that made me love Arilynn more. She was humorous and relaxed at the same time while also not really caring what anyone thought about her, and it made her incredibly interesting to watch do anything when out at exclusive events. I'd seen her make good friends of Sheikh's wives, and family. I'd seen her put new money trust fund kids in their place. And I'd also seen her turn into a child and want nothing more then to sit in our bed and watch every Disney movie known to man, or go somewhere where no one else would go just to have me to herself. I'd seen her make both my sisters laugh cry, along with my parents just by being herself, and that alone checked only a handful of the many boxes that made Arilynn Hamilton perfect in every way that I knew of.

Connecting my phone to my kitchen's speakers I set my phone by the fridge before getting out a glass and a bottle of a collectable wine that I believed shouldn't go to waste. I then poured myself a glass and let classic blues fill my kitchen as I began to make dinner.

Pulling out two steaks I set them down on a separate cutting board before taking out a collective of spices and measuring out a ratio that seemed functional before mixing it all together and tasting it to make sure it was right. I then laid out the spices across one side of the cutting board and then split it to go on the second one allowing me to be able to get both sides of the steaks evenly before setting them down to wait to be cooked once my stove got to the right temperature to start doing so.

Lip syncing to the music that played and taking sips of my wine I had finally put both steaks on my stove when Arilynn entered the kitchen and danced across the room into the kitchen area much to my amusement and her enjoyment.

"Riesci ancora ad essere bella anche quando indossi abiti banali e capelli sciolti" I muse and she just shakes her head.

"Just wait until I'm bare foot and pregnant" she laughs and I shake my head though the idea of little versions of ourselves wasn't unwelcome.

"We have the rest of our lives to have family together. Children will happen eventually, and I would ask for no one else to build a family with. Though we should probably sort out our engagement fiasco first mi amor" I say cupping the side of her face and kissing her forehead.

"At least I know you aren't opposed to the idea when it does eventually happen" Arilynn says pouring herself a glass of wine.

"Why wouldn't I be. Between the two of us we make enough to give the world to the next generation of Winters heirs" I say turning the heat up slightly.

"Someone has baby fever" Arilynn teases wrapping her arms around me and I turn around at that moment stepping forward until I could place my hands on either side of her all the while she held onto me.

"Someone brought it up, I simply am being honest about the fact I want to share everything with you for the rest of our lives, including the stress of one day being parents" I say looking deep into her eyes.

"You're really sweet for someone most of the city avoids crossing".

"That's because I'm the CEO of Winters Group, and well I don't exactly look nice to begin with".

"I think you look handsome" the ashen haired girl before me says and I gift her a soft smile.

"Well thank you" I say before moving back to the pan which was sizzling and needed to be flipped.

Muttering the words to the song that was playing I flipped the steaks again and walked back over to my cutting board to press lemon zest and pepper before making it into a rub to put on the steaks.

"What all happened in your day?" Arilynn asks as I wash off my hands and dry them off.

"Meetings mostly, and making sure the coming fiscal year doesn't become absolutely horrendous for the trip out of country" I reply picking up my wine glass and taking a long sip from it.

"You and your sisters work long hours though so I'm sure you're doing alright" Arilynn says and I smile at her.

"I only got home at six and got to work at eight. So ten hour day that's normal. Better then a few years ago when I worked twelve hour days" I laugh.

"You were also trying to get Voulge off the ground along with a bunch of other projects" Arilynn points out leaning on the counter as I set down my glass and flip the steaks over.

"And now I get to work normal hours and come home to spend the night with you looking over New York City" I muse, "now could you please get plates while I finish making our dinner".

Arilynn then began to get what would be needed for us to eat while I took out some asparagus and set them in the spaces on the cast iron griddle and watched them begin to crisp while I doused them in olive oil and pepper" along with melted butter.

I then watched my girlfriend lean against the counter watching me finish up cooking our food.

"What did you do today love?" I ask glancing towards her before she hummed in thought for a moment.

"Like you meetings, honestly I don't think I had almost any free time today for even thirty minutes. But it's been like this for a while" she admits with a sigh.

"Well soon enough we'll be in Marbella again doing nothing but suntan and sleep" I remark rolling the asparagus over to char the other side.

"It'll happen before we know" she says and I laugh lightly in agreement.

Eventually the food was finished and we plated ourselves before sitting in the dining room to enjoy our meal together though I was thinking about what this would be like in a few months when we were actually married.
Alright chapter is complete also I just realized I don't have the book that I wrote out the chapters in so I get to improvise though I do remember key points. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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