Night Four

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A/N: Please be warned that this chapter has triggering ideas/events. Including mentions of abuse, and harassment. Please do not continue if these topics may be triggering to you. I will interject with another A/N, when it gets really serious. However, it is littered throughout this chapter - so might just be best to skip this one. I'll try to leave an overview without the triggering topics in the comments. 

I had laid Bradley down in his pack and play, Carole had seemingly just gotten back from her interview. She was so happy and chipper as she looked through her recipe book whilst she sat on the counter. I walked into the kitchen, pointing to the living room and putting a finger to my lips - showing to be quiet because Bradley was asleep.

She nodded and beaconed me to come closer so she could speak in a whisper. I carefully made my way over to her, "So how the interview go?" i asked, jumping up and sitting on the counter next to her.

She beamed a bright smile at me, "Oh, it was wonderful. They hired me right away! Only on weekdays though, so I can be home with Bradley and Nick." I was so happy to hear this - she wanted to go back to working as a hairdresser, but it was kind of hectic since Bradley was born. she continued, "How was your morning at the base? See your snowman? Did Bradley have fun?"

I faked a smile, apparently not well enough as Carole instantly gave me the 'what happened?' face.

 I sighed letting the act go, "It was alright I guess... Until, well it wasn't her fault but Charlie said something about being with Pete, and - damn I'm so pissed at myself but I had a flashback, I even pulled away from Nick and Tom... I guess I'm ready to forgive, but forgetting is a harder fight... So yeah." I rambled on. I instantly changed the subject before she could say anything, "But hey, let's look at the bright side! Tom and I are officially, official - and he'll be at dinner tonight - AND," I added for extra emphasis,"He said I love you and I said it back, and it might have been a spur of the moment thing but -"

Carole cut me off, "How do you feel right now? about this entire situation and the people in it?"

i thought for a minute before answering, "i feel, fine. As not like defensive thing, just fine - normal -easy. the situation is a-bit hard to follow and a bit nerve wracking. Pete, he is still my best friend always will be. I do forgive him... the forgetting of his hands on me - that will take some time, maybe a lot of time. and tom, i love him. it feels so, natural - not forced like before. i feel safe around him. i was scared at first, i didn't want him to touch me - i didn't want to associate him with bad feelings, but as soon as i fell into his arms. everything was fine..." i smiled at my sister, she was so foreward and i loved that about her. I jumped off of the counter, "now you've got the recipe, i've got the cooking skills - so please let me help this time.

I was about an hour before dinner now - Nick and Pete should be arriving back here soon. Bradley had woken up a few hours ago, and the dinner was still in the oven. Carole was finishing the sides on the stove now.

I took off the apron I had been wearing for a while, "Alright, I'm going to go get cleaned up for dinner."

I went back to my room. There I refreshed my makeup and hair - I then decided to change into a dress for dinner tonight. I wore the same style of dresses most of the time. So the style of the dress was the same as that day on the beach - the first day here. Except it was a dark blue with tiny white polka dots. I let my hair fall loose around my shoulders, my hair was longer - so i preferred to have it up unless I was staying inside. I changed out of my hightop converse into my low-top white converse. From my room I heard the door open, and Nick and Pete enter the house. I tried to stay in my room as long as possible to avoid Pete, I didn't want to see his eyes that sad again. I did leave my room once it became closer to six - so that way I would be there for when Tom got here.

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