Are You Calling Hyung A Liar?

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In the meal room Hobi enters and talking suddenly stops. Hobi didn't notice he was still thinking about his morning shower while texting you to come down for breakfast.

Jin, Jimin and JK look at him as he took his seat. He puts his phone down and looks up at everyone giving them a good morning smile.

Jin asks "How did you sleep last night?"

 Still smiling Hobi says "I slept fine, I always do with Lilly snuggled up to me."

Jin smirks "Oh so you didn't sleep well then." 

Hobi frowns at him "I told you I always do."

Jin says mockingly "If you say so." 

Hobi wondering what is going on with Jin says "Yes, I did say so. What is up with you lately?"

Jin starts to eat his food but stops "Nothing, it just seems she is up a lot ... late at night...wondering the hall ... visiting..."

 Hobi says "What the hell do you mean by that?"

Namjoon cuts a look at Jin wondering what the hell is going on. Jin notices and replies to Hobi, "Oh, I don't mean anything, really." Giving Hobi a condescending smile he continues to eat.

Hobi's slight frown worried JK and Jimin. 

JK turns to Jimin and whispers "We've got to tell him." 

Jimin whispers back "I think we should talk to her first." 

JK shakes his head "Why should we?" 

Jimin says "I can't believe she would do that to him."

JK replies "Well, Jin saw it. You calling hyung a liar?" 

 "No, but it's just not like her." 

JK smirks "We shall see." 

Jimin shrugs and goes back to pushing his food around on his plate. They can't believe what Jin had told them earlier this morning.

Jin and Jungkook look coldly at Yoongi as he and Taehyung entered the room and took their seats. Jimin frowned when Yoongi came in trying to make sense of what Jin had said. Watching Yoongi, he is hoping maybe some sign of what Jin said would show on Yoongi's face, but there was nothing to imply he had done anything wrong.

Yoongi didn't know why Jin and Jungkook were giving him such cold stares. Tae looks back and forth at the three of them wondering what is going on now.

You walk in smiling, "Good morning everyone" you start greeting each one as normal when you can all meet up for breakfast.

 "Morning Yoongs" he turns his face up and you give him a quick kiss, he says "Morning beautiful."

You ruffle JK's hair about to kiss the top of his head when he reaches for his chop sticks which unexpectedly fell off the table. You laugh and go to kiss Jimin on the cheek, he turns his head away and sneezes shifting out of your reach.

Namjoon just gives them a strange look and they lower their heads. You didn't notice as you said "Bless you Mochi, I hope you aren't coming down with something." Jimin blushes and focuses on his plate.

You move on to Tae and give him a quick kiss. He pulls your hand to his lips and gives it a kiss. "Good morning Lill."

You move on to approach Jin but he gets up to refill his plate as if he didn't see you. He has become more unapproachable over the last couple of months and you don't know why.

You go to Namjoon and he smiles happily at you.

 You smile back "Good morning Jooni." 

He takes your hand in both of his and gives a little squeeze and his smile brightens.

"It's going to be a wonderful day. I can't wait till ..." before he can say any more he suddenly jumps in his chair and grabs his leg "Owe!" 

Hobi had kicked him under the table, he knew Namjoon was about to let the secret out.

Realizing he almost gave it away. He looks back at you and smiles "Oops, sorry I hit my knee on the table." 

You frown "Oh, are you ok Jooni?" He nods and goes back to eating.

After putting a few things on your plate. You give Hobi a wink and he smiles mischievously. He rests his arm on the back of your chair as you sit. You just pushed the food around suddenly not wanting it. You pout and take a bite of toast any way.

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