You Can't Trust Her!

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A little while later, still not able to get any sleep you go up to the side stage early and wait for Hobi's turn to rehearse. You go to sit down on one of the chairs near by when Jungkook rushes up and snatches the chair away taking it with him.

You laugh at him waiting for him to bring it back with a mischievous bunny smile for pranking you, but he never came back.

After some stage set up and light checks it was Hobi's turn. As he came on stage dancing and singing he found you and smiled, happy to see you there.

You both love to dance so much it strengthened the bond between you two. You were hired as a professional choreographer for the company, but especially for Hobi's group and the newest group about to debut.

You also privately worked for the company as a psychologist but that was kept very secret to protect the trainees and idols.

When Hobi was done you went to met him as he came off the lift. "You did great baby." he laughs as you pat his face dry and he takes the towel from you and finishes drying off his face

You thought you heard your name and turned to see Jungkook and Jimin staring at you as Jin walked off.

 You thought  you heard your name and turned to see Jungkook and Jimin  staring at you as Jin walked off

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Hobi is asking you a question so you turn back to him "I'm sorry baby, what did you say?"

 He smiles "I wanted to know if you would like to spend some time with ARMY tomorrow?"

You smile "Of course I would love that." 

They love the fact that you both take the time to make dance tutorial videos for them. Seeing the love between you two in your videos has warmed their hearts towards you and Hobi being in a relationship.

Hobi takes your hand "Let's go to the break-room and grab a drink." he winks at you "I'm very thirsty." You laugh and go with him.

Jungkook, Jimin and Jin come in to have a snack. They sit across from you and Hobi on the second couch and start talking about tonight's concert, ignoring any comments you tried to add to the conversation.

They have been acting strangely yet you have no idea what's going on with these three. You're confused by their behavior.

Hobi gets up to go to the restroom leaving you alone with the them unaware there is some kind of undercurrent going on. You look at Jin and JK glaring at you.

 "What's going on guys? Have I done something to upset you?"

JK came over and slapped you on the cheek, "Don't ever talk to me again or give me one of your good morning pecks! Even better why don't you just leave us!"

Shocked you touch your stinging cheek and watch him stride angrily from the room. Startled Jimin jumps up and calls after him to stop but he doesn't so Jimin follows him out of the room.

Your face hurts and tears start. In shock and dismay you look at Jin "What's going on?"

 He gets in your face and shouts "You know exactly what is going on and I DO TOO!"  

Starting to cry you ask "What are you talking about Jin?"

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