She Gives As Good As She Gets

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Jungkook, Jimin and Tae enter the room together, despite the doctor's order of only one at a time. Full of remorse they apologized over and over again. Tears in their eyes as there is no response from Jin.

Tae says "We love her as a sister, hyung." 

Jungkook says "We rough house with her like she is one of us." He smiles proudly "She can give as good as she takes too." 

Jimin elbows him and gives him a stern look and Jungkook becomes silent.

Jimin says "We would never take advantage of her that way, she is family to us."

Tae says "She is your lady and she loves you."

Jungkook says "Besides you two are perfect for each other, she's your World Wide Beautiful and you're her World Wide Handsome."

Jimin struggles not to smile as he looks at Jungkook and says "That's so cute, I love it."

Jin hears them, but choose not to try to respond wanting to save his strength for you.

You stayed in the ICU family waiting room over night. Checking on Jin every time they'd let you. Jimin left to get a change of clothes for you and toiletries. He stays with you through the night in case you need him or there is a change in Jin. He was taking first watch.

You woke the next morning by a nurse gently tapping your shoulder. Shocked you sit up in a panic "What is it? Is he . . . is he"

The nurse gives you a reassuring smile "He is awake and is asking for you." You rush to his room.

Jimin wakes and sees you running from the waiting room and jumps up. The nurse says "You're his brother right?" Pushing his hair back from his face he nods and rubs his sleepy eyes. "What's wrong? Is he ok?" Jimin looks to where you had gone.

The nurse says "He regained consciousness and was asking for her. The doctor is with him now talking to him and Miss Lee." 

Jimin moves to head to Jin's room "I'm going too" and Jimin leaves the waiting room.

As Jimin walks in the doctor is talking while you and Jin are holding hands.

Jimin say as he comes close "Jin, you're finally awake. We were so worried about you."

Jin looks at him "I heard you, I forgive you and the others." You can see the tension leave as Jimin's shoulders relaxed.

The doctor starts to speaks, "The CT scan and MRI of his brain came back fine. No bleeds or swelling seen. We want to keep him here a few more days and then repeat the tests as a precaution."

He looks at Jin, "That was a nasty hit to the head you had Mr. Kim." turning to you he says "Mrs. Kim..." 

you interrupt him "I'm not his wi . . ." 

Jin squeezes your hand and shushes you.

"Go on doctor, I'm sorry for interrupting." He says "When he goes home he will have to take it easy for a few days. Nothing strenuous. 

Jin asks "When can I go home?" and he looks at you and smiles.

"If every thing continues to go so well you can go home by the end of the week." The doctor leaves with the promise of seeing them in the morning.

Jin looks at Jimin "Jimin, could you leave us. I want to talk to Dani alone."

Jimin looks at you and you nod your head letting him know it's ok.

Jimin says "I'm going to let the others know you're awake." As he heads to the family ICU waiting room he starts a group chat.

While Jimin is talking with them Jin says "Love, I know what happened back at the house and I am so sorry."

You take his hand "No, I'm the one who needs to apologize. I acted silly and ended up hurting you so badly." your eyes glisten with unshed tears.

He says "No, listen to me. I was jealous and angry. We can't have a relationship if we can't trust each other."

Tears start falling down your face. "What are you saying Jin? Are you breaking up with me?"

He quickly takes your hand in both of his "I could never let you go. My heart is full of you and only you."

"Oh, Jin" you lean close to him and he hugs you, "Nom-nom I love you so much"

He is softly laughing "I love you too but please never let the others hear you call me nom-nom. I will never hear the end of it."

 You kiss him "I promise."

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