I Can't Look There!

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You check Lill and get a cool washcloth to wipe her face. "Try to relax, Unnie, between contractions. Hobi is on his way, and Jungkook said an ambulance is coming, too. We can do this. Now, take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly let it out through your mouth."

Lill does as you instructed. "That's a good girl." 

You look around. "Jin, where are you? JIN!"

Jin rushes back into the room. He sat on the couch in the other room, trying to slow his breathing by following what you were telling Lilly.

"I need to grab my birthing bag, and when I get back, you'll have to help me." 

Shocked, he says, "What? ME!?"

Lill cries out, "I have to push." 

You comfort her and say, "Remember your breathing, Unnie, in through your nose and out slowly through your mouth."

Lill does as you say, "That's right, Unnie. Now, blow it out slowly. You're doing fine. Don't push, just don't push yet."

You look at Jin, "I'll be right back." 

You run, grab your birthing bag, and rush back, sitting it beside Lill. You get out scissors, two small clamps, and a small suction bulb and lay them next to her legs.

Jin asks, "What do you have clamps and scissors for?"

 You give him a brief smile. "You will see in a few minutes."

You lift the sheet to check Lill's progress and are surprised to see the top of the baby's head. "I can see the baby's head."

 You look at Jin and hand him a pair of gloves from your bag.

As you put on yours, you tell him, "Jin, I'm going to need you to hold a towel and hold onto the baby as it comes out so it won't come out too fast and hurt Lilly."

Jin stares wide-eyed at you in panic. "I can't do that! I can't look there! She's Hobi's wife. I can't look there!"

You were checking her pulse, concerned about the way she looked. You tried to soothe her with words of encouragement, but when you became frustrated, you turned to Jin. "JIN! JIN, look at ME!" 

He looks at you, "You do as I tell you to do. Do you understand me!?"He doesn't reply, "Do YOU understand ME?"

You can tell Jin is terrified, so you softly smile at him as he stares at you. "It's going to be okay. Just think you are helping Hobi and Lill's baby into the world, and you will get to be the first to meet the baby."

He is still standing there nervous. You say, "You will be a World-Wide Handsome Uncle."

 He starts to smile, and then Lill cries out, "I have to push now." 

You try to calm her, "Unnie breath through it. You should be able to push with the next contraction." She is gripping your hand so hard you worry it may break.

She looks at you, and you notice she seems pale and her hand feels clammy. You pull your hand free and put the blood pressure cuff on her arm. You're almost done when she grabs your hand again. 

"I have to push now, NOW!" 

Lilly bared down and cried out, and in just two pushes, Jin, pale as a ghost, had a hold of a very tiny baby.

While Jin holds the baby, you clean off the little one's face and use the rubber bulb to clear the baby's nose and mouth. You and Jin smile at each other when you hear a little mew of a cry from the baby.

Tired and slightly clammy, Lill falls back on the pillows with a sigh.

You tell Jin, "Usually, the father gets to cut the cord, but it is your honor if you want it, Uncle Jin."

You smile at him, holding out the scissors for him to take.

Stunned, he says, "What? No, Hobi should do it."

"Jin, the cord needs to be cut. We can't wait for Oppa."

With trembling hands, Jin lays the baby on Lilly's tummy and cuts the cord between the clamps as you instruct him.

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