Fire Pit Confession

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The others are stunned and in shock hearing what has happened to you. Yoongi speaks up, "I didn't know. I didn't realize anything was seriously wrong. I just assumed . . . Oh my god . . . I told her to get out, to leave me alone."

Yoongi's heart wins out, and it breaks over how he has treated you, the one person who loved him regardless of his moods. He tries desperately not to cry in front of the others, and he is losing.

He gets lost in his thoughts. Everything that happened is so clear to him now. He dated others since he made you leave, but none of them ever felt right. His heart had no room for anyone else but you.

None of them could take your place in his life, so he just stopped dating altogether. You were the reason he had nothing more to do with love. It hurt too badly.

Still fighting tears as he thinks of all the 'accidents' and all the time he lost that he could have been with you, he wonders if you'd want him now after all of these years. He sadly wonders if he even deserves you.

Taehyung breaks him out of his thoughts. "How you treated her just a short while ago was just so wrong, Hyung. You need to apologize to her."

Looking regretful, Yoongi says, "I was just so jealous. I have always wanted Poppy, I, I . . ." he pauses as the truth finally dawns on him. He looks up in surprise. He lost the fight to ignore it any longer; it had won.

He looks up at the guys as he wipes the tear that made its way down his face, ". . .dammit, I, I'm in love with her! I'm so fucking stupid."

Jimin says, "Yeah, I think so too when it comes to love and Poppy."

Taehyung says, "Go talk to her. She still loves you, Hyung."

Jimin says, "Talk to her and make things right for you both."

Jungkook grabs a drink and then says, looking at Suga, "Hyung, stop being a rock and let her know you love her." He rolls his eyes at the Maknae but knows he's right.

Namjoon looks up and notices the light in your room has come on. He says, "She's in her room now. Go talk to her."

Jin says, "Watch what you say to her. She has been hurt enough."

They are all staring at him, waiting for him to move to go talk to you. He grimaces as he goes to stand and sadly says, "Yeah, I know, I'll go talk to her."

He walks gingerly to the house, and Taehyung calls out, "By the way, you deserved that."

He continued walking, "Shut up, Taehyung. I know I did." The more he walked, the better he felt, and the closer he got to you, the more his heart opened up.

He passes Dani in the living room on her way outside to join the others. Concerned over you, she asks, "Where are you going?" ready to defend you if needed, she partially blocks his way.

Yoongi replies, "To where my heart is."

She steps aside and watches as he takes the stairs two at a time. Smiling, she heads out to join the others.

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