The Processional Begins

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Jin, is already standing at the platform where the ceremony will be performed. The official is there softly talking with him. The music starts and Jin faces the front to watch the bridesmaids and groomsmen enter, looking anxiously for when Dani makes her appearance.

You and Tae wait your turn to walk down the aisle. Tae goes to put on Tannie's ring bearer vest, he snaps the ends together around his furry little body when Tannie yelps and tries to pull away.

Thinking he caught some fur he pets Tannie gently "Sorry puppy" and rubs his head. He then stands and takes you by the arm. You flinch and grab your arm. Tae worried asks "Are you ok?" giving him a weak smile you lie and say "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just a static shock from the carpet."

He goes to take your arm but you pull it close to your side holding the small bouquet with both hands. Tae gently places his hand on your elbow like last night and together you walk down the aisle.

Once all the party members are situated, it is time for the flower girls and Tannie the ring bearer followed by Lilly, the Matron of Honor then the bride, Dani to enter.

As the twins Hope and Hunni walk down the aisle they drop little handfuls of petals on the way. Upon seeing Jimin, Hope runs the last few feet to him calling "Chimmy" and hugs onto his leg. She missed her Uncle Jimin, she hadn't seen him since breakfast that morning.

Jimin laughs and picks her up. She puts her arm around his neck and rests her head on his shoulder snuggling her face into his neck "Uncle Chimmy yummy." Jimin giggles deciding he will never change his cologne.

Not to be out done Hunni sees her favorite Uncle and drops her little basket of petals right in the aisle and runs up to Yoongi. She is looking up at him with arms stretched up for him to pick her up. He pretends he doesn't see her.

She says "Up, up!" Yoongi rolls his eyes refusing to look at her. She says a little louder "UP! UP!" and bounces on her feet. Yoongi looks at her then smiles and picks her up in his arms. She happily claps her little hands and kisses him on the cheek.

He softly laughs at her and kisses her on the top of her head. He whispers to her "Girl you are ruining my swag." She kisses him once more and he says "I forgive you" and smiles at her.

The guest and others softly laugh at the cute little scene created by Hobi and Lill's little girls. Smiles abound from the quests as Tannie walks to Namjoon to let him take the rings.

As soon as Tannie nears him he takes the rings and gently pats Tannie's head. Tannie goes and lies down by Tae's feet with his head resting on the top of Tae's shoe.

Tae looks down at him smiling at how cute he is but Tannie has his eyes closed and little tongue sticking out quietly panting. With a slight frown on his face Tae is wondering what is wrong, this isn't like Tan.

Lill comes down the aisle before Dani and on the way picks up the little flower basket that Hunni dropped.

Dani comes down the aisle and Jin is speechless, his chin is trembling as he tries not to cry seeing his World Wide Beautiful vision walking towards him.

 Dani comes down the aisle and Jin is speechless, his chin is trembling as he tries not to cry seeing his World Wide Beautiful vision walking towards him

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*What Dani's Wedding Dress Looks Like*

During the ceremony Hope falls asleep in Jimin's arms her little head resting on his shoulder. Toddler drool is on his suit coat but he couldn't be happier.

Hunni getting restless escapes Yoongi's embrace and rubbing her sleepy eyes heads toward Lill. On the way she stops, puts her thumb in her mouth and lays down on Dani's train and goes to sleep.

Everyone quietly laughs and Jin and Dani looks down at her and smile. Lill whispers to them "Sorry, let me get her." Jin says "It's so cute, let her nap." and the ceremony continues.

Once Jin is told to kiss his bride Lill picks up Hunni. Jin takes Dani into his arms and dips her as he kisses her. He takes her hand and they run out together.

Hobi takes Hunni from Lill and places his other arm around Lill as they walk back up the aisle. He tried to take Hope from Jimin but Jimin's pout told him no way.

Jimin smiles as he carries Hope in his arms a happy Mochi as he walks with Ailie back up the aisle.

Tae had to pick up Tannie because he wouldn't follow. Jungkook asks "What's wrong with Tan?" He whispers to Jungkook, "I think he is having a little doggie tantrum, they wouldn't let him were his new Gucci bow tie today."

Seeing it's his turn to walk you up the aisle he asks "Kook can you carry Tannie for me?" Jungkook takes Tannie in his arms, "Sure no problem."

Tae comes to you and places his hand gently on your elbow and escorts you back up the aisle followed by Jungkook and Tannie.

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