Too Shy To Speak

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Namjoon was seated beside you and was so shy he was too nervous to start making small talk with you.

He would sneak glances your way, but couldn't seem to get up the courage to speak to you. You blush because you're stealing glances at him too.

When they were almost done eating Lill asks "Do you have the karaoke machine set up?" She smiles looking around the table. Jungkook says "Of course we do" and smiles at Lill.

Jin says "Lets do karaoke after dinner. We haven't done that together in such a long time." It was agreed upon by all at the table.

The ladies headed to the kitchen to clean up the dinner dishes. Namjoon followed behind them carrying some of the dishes of left overs. Lill is looking through the cabinets.

Dani says "If it's dish washer powder you are looking for we are out, We have to do it the old fashion way, by hand."

You say "I'll wash" and before you or the others can say anything else Namjoon suddenly says "You wash I'll dry" and smiles at you.

Dani, Lill and Poppy trade glances with each other grinning. Dani gives a wink to Lill and Poppy then says "I will put them up as you dry them Namjoon."

He takes his eyes off of you to look at Dani "Oh, that's ok, I can do that as I dry them."

Poppy says "Well, I guess you don't need us then." and Dani, Lill and Poppy turn to leave the kitchen softly giggling with each other. Lill looks back at you and Namjoon and smiles.

As they near the rec room they can hear the girls squealing with laughter and some of the boys singing. There is a pile on game going on with the girls, Jimin, Tae and their Appa, while Jin, Jungkook and Yoongi are at the karaoke machine choosing songs.

Seeing the girls rough housing with their Uncles and daddy Lill says "They should sleep soundly tonight." Hobi stops tickling Hunni and looks at Lill with a mischievous smile, "All the better." She smiles at him slightly blushing "Oh stop you."

Back in the kitchen:

You and Namjoon are talking about the twins and your conversation leads to talking about how you both love children and want to have some of your own one day.

Getting a little embarrassed talking about having babies you change the subject "I saw you reading a book earlier, how do you like it?" Namjoon says "Have you read it already?"

"Yes, I have" and you smile up at him. He says "I love it when I find a book that is hard to put down and it is turning out to be that kind of book."

"I agree, it is, but I won't give away the ending." You grin up at him and he smiles that cute dimple smile back at you and you feel your heart skip and almost gasp out loud.

Looking away you put a dish in the rinse water hoping to hide the blush you know has come to your cheeks. You keep your head down and say "Books make a great escape but now with helping care for the twins my nose is stuck in baby books."

You both laugh and he says "I would love to read to the girls if I could." You smile at him "I'm sure they would love it. They love their bedtime stories but Jimin says that is his time as he loves to sing them to sleep too."

Namjoon's smile is no longer dimpled as he says "Yeah, that is Jimin, Uncle Extraordinaire." You give him a friendly touch on the shoulder and tell him "I have seen you with them, especially Hunni, you are also Uncle Extraordinaire." His smile is back and you are happy for it.

"After they have lunch I do a story time with them before putting them down for a nap each day. Tomorrow you could read to them then if you want to?" His dimples shows back up as he smiles "I would love to."

You are feeling all strange inside, not sure what it is you're feelin, but it seems like every time he smiles at you there is a strange feeling inside. Could you be crushing on him? You are looking forward to tomorrows story time.

How The 7 Have FallenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora