Death Comes For Lilly

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They go into your room, and you start to clean up Lill. Her coloring isn't looking good. You make sure everything after the birth is taken care of. 

Then you tell Hobi and Lilly, "The girls are identical twins."

You secure the babies in a makeshift baby bed of comforters and blankets, so you and Hobi can change the sheets and help Lill put on a clean nightgown.

After helping her lay back down, you place a baby in the crook of each arm. Hobi helps you raise her legs on some pillows. As you both place her legs on the pillows, you can't help but notice that she is disturbingly quiet.

His face is etched with worry as he looks at her. He whispers to you, barely audible, "She is very quiet."

You pat his shoulder. "She is tired. I'm going to check her blood pressure, ok?"

You hand Hobi one of the babies to free up Lill's arm, but before you can wrap the cuff around it, there is a knock on the door.

The knocking caught his attention. Hobi didn't hear Lilly whisper, "Hobi, I feel lightheaded . . . it's getting dark."

She tries to reach for his hand as he heads to the door, but her hand drops back to the bed. As the room goes dark, she realizes that she has gone unheard.

Hobi is going to open the door, and you notice a pool of blood seeping around Lilly's legs. You scream for Hobi as Lilly goes unconscious, "HOBI!! Oh my god!! She's bleeding!"

The ambulance crew hears you screaming and rushes past a panicking Hobi.

With tears running down your face, you immediately start to massage her tummy to help the womb contract to stop the bleeding. One of the crew has to pull you away so they can take care of her.

They swiftly assess the situation, start an IV as quickly as they can, and immediately scoop Lilly up, sheets, and all onto the gurney. Two medical techs each carry a baby, and they rush out the door. 

The others are standing in the connecting doorway with worry and panic on their faces as they watch the medical team rush Lilly and the babies out.

Yoongi grabbed Hobi, and they all rushed out the door behind the ambulance crew to follow them to the hospital.

Suddenly, you are alone, silence surrounds you, and the reality of what happened is starting to hit you.

Your body starts trembling, and you can't stop it. You hold your hands tightly in front of you, trying not to shake. The room goes blurry as tears fill your eyes.

Your body goes into shock, and sobbing is making it hard for you to breathe. You stand there alone, afraid to move, afraid you would fall if you did.

With tears falling from your eyes, you whisper, "Jin, Jin, where are you?" You look around the room, suddenly feeling abandoned. "Have you left me too?"

In shock, you thought he had forgotten you and went with the others. You feel your legs start to give out as you think of the possibility of losing not only Lilly and maybe the babies but Jin as well.

Jin rushes into the room and sees you standing there, trembling and crying. He takes you in his arms just as your legs finally give out, and you collapse into his embrace.

He carries you to your room and sits with you on the bed. He keeps one arm around your waist while stroking your hair with one hand, telling you, "Shhhh, my sweetheart, shhh. I'm here. It's alright. Go ahead and cry."

You softly sob with your face buried against his chest.

A few minutes later, as your sobs become silent tears, he says, "Dani?" you tearfully look up at him. He says as he caresses your cheek. "You need a shower, sweetheart."

You swat him on the chest and tearfully whisper, "I know, I want to go to Lilly and the babies . . . Help me."

He leads you to your bathroom and starts the shower running so the water can warm up. He puts clean towels on the holder. As you begin to undress, he enters the bathroom, facing away from you. He is holding your robe out behind him for you to take.

"I will be just outside the door if you need me." He pulls the door close but not shut, then pulls a chair up by the door and waits for you.

You step in the shower, crying, scared for Lilly and the babies. You hurry with the shower so you can go to the hospital. You are so thankful that Jin is there with you.

If you ever needed proof of how much he cares, you got it when he came into the room, taking you in his arms after the others had left you alone. 

When you came out of the bathroom in your robe, you saw that Jin had laid clothes for you on the bed, even your underthings. You smile slightly, knowing he must have blushed something awful to have gone in that drawer.

He leaves the chair by the door and says, "I knew you would want to get to the hospital as soon as you could, so I hope you can forgive me, but I went through your things and laid out clothes for you." 

You shyly say, "Thank you

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You shyly say, "Thank you." It was then that you knew you were in love with Jin. No longer was the word crush strong enough for your feelings for him.

He thinks, 'That wasn't too embarrassing, not when you think of a bra as a T-shirt or panties as briefs. It's all the same, actually. Underwear is underwear, really just the same. Okay, it's not the same . . . not the same at ALL! My god, how I would love to see her in . .. Stob!'

He quickly walks to the door, keeping his back to you so as not to embarrass himself. Before leaving to give you privacy to dress, he says, "I will let the driver know you will be ready shortly. I will be right back for you in a few minutes." He closes the door behind him. 'That was close.' He adjusts his pants and is thankful he wore an oversized sweatshirt.

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