Jin's Bathroom Confession

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Jin enters the restroom, embarrassed over how he reacted when he was introduced to you. He looks in the mirror and says, "I can't believe I embarrassed myself like that."

He cuts on the cold water and uses his hands to splash water on his face to clear his head and cool his cheeks. He grabs a towel, dries his face, and then looks back in the mirror. 

"She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." he looks away from his reflection as he thinks, then he looks back at the mirror. 

"Even more beautiful than Lilly."

He leans close to his reflection and says, "She is as tall as you. Can you imagine holding her in your arms, kissing her?"

He pulls himself away from the sink and mirror, and on his way to leave the restroom, he says, "Food, that is what I need. That is why my stomach is feeling this way. I will get something to eat, and everything will be fine."

He exits the restroom, heads left, realizes he should go right, and thinks again, "Nope, the other way." He turns back to go left to the break room for some snacks.

On his way, he scolds himself under his breath, "Stob it, you're fine." He stops and takes a deep breath before entering the break room, "I'm fine." 

He then opens the door and goes in, unaware that he has to return and get his hair and make-up redone after getting his face wet and then rubbing it dry with a towel.

In the restroom, Jin's manager comes out of a stall and goes to the sink to wash his hands. He looks in the mirror, laughs, and says, "Looks like another one has fallen."

On his way out, he tosses the towel in the basket and says aloud, "Better luck this time, Jin," as he heads in the opposite direction of the break room. Jin was unaware there was anyone else in the restroom.

One week later, after actively working as their makeup artist, you noticed Jin sometimes appears to be sleeping when you do his makeup, but he's not.

His eyes are closed, and he imagines you touching him instead of brushes and sponges. One time, he was actually asleep, dreaming of you, and a little sigh of contentment escaped his lips. He was dreaming you were on a fishing trip with him, and you were cheering him as he reeled in the biggest fish he had ever seen. He sighs again.

You tapped him on the shoulder, "Hey, stob it. I need you awake to do the eyeliner." 

As you apply the liner, he stares into your eyes, a gentle smile forming on his lips. You can't help but smile back.

During the week, you and Lill are inseparable as you get to know your way around. You are walking with her and notice her grimacing with her hand on her lower back.

"You ok, Unnie?" 

She says, "I think I may have to stop the Mommy Yoga classes." You head into the staging area where they are shooting.

Lill immediately noticed a smile on Jin's face when he saw you. She takes your hand, "So, how are things going with you and Jin?"

You blush, "Oh stob, don't make be blush in front of him."

 Lill laughs. "Too late."

 So this time, you went to do Namjoon's touch-ups first.

The boys have gotten used to you always being around. They enjoy your sense of humor and your sweet personality. But the Maknae line also loves your sense of adventure and rough and tumble ways. To them, you have become one of the fellas. You don't mind because it makes you feel like you're with your brothers.

Jin's so smitten with you that you are all that is beautiful and gentle to him. He knows his heart is falling, and he can't stop it. He doesn't even think he wants to stop it.

Between shoots, the others noticed you always went to Jin first for touch-ups and that he smiles every time he sees you.

Jimin leans close to J-Hope ."I think you're right. They have fallen." 

J-Hope grins, "I told you."

 Jungkook overhears them. "Hey, it's not fair. She spends more time with him than us."

Yoongi gives a hollow laugh. "Jungkook, that's what happens when love gets involved. Someone gets hurt. Try to stay away from it. It's safer that way." He turns away from them.

Jimin asks Yoongi, "Why do you see love as something to avoid?" Then he smiles and says, "As for myself, I love, love."

Taehyung asks, "Yeah, why do you always make negative remarks about love, hyung?"

Yoongi sighs, "Trust me, I know. Love can rip your heart from your chest and crush it at your feet, leaving you hollow inside as your soul withers away from the coldness of being alone, wishing you had all the feelings of a rock instead."

Jimin says, "But a rock doesn't have feelings."

Yoongi agrees, "Exactly!"

Yoongi mumbles under his breath as he walks away from them. "They will learn one day that love comes at too great a price."

Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung stare at their hyung and then look at each other, confused.

Overhearing Yoongi's sentiment, J-Hope whispers to them, "Just let it go, guys. He's talking from experience."

He gives them a brotherly pat on the shoulders, suggesting, "Just let it go."

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