My Kindred Spirit

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He yawns and rubs his sleepy eyes after giving you a gentle hug "We always will be each others light in the darkness, seeing how we're kindred spirits." he yawns again.

 You tell him "You have a few hours to get some sleep and I need to get some sleep as well." You stretch and it causes your robe to pull partially open.

He grins and says "Cooky slippers and a Mang pj top, you are so adorable and Hobi is so lucky." He gives you a playful wink "You know you can always crash here if you want, like in the old days."

You laugh and gently push him towards the bed. "Get in silly. You know I would never sleep with you." 

He starts protesting as he gets into bed "You slept with me lots of times!" 

You place your hands on your hips "You know perfectly well, what I mean."

You both laugh then you say "We did sleep in the same bed after our long late night talks but it was more like sleeping with a favorite teddy bear."

 His face is twisted in mock pain "Ugh you wound my heart" he says as he clutches his chest. Then he smiles "Oh, wait, I was your favorite teddy bear?"

You grin mischievously "More like a favorite little brother." 

He groans then reaches out to hold your hand "But seriously, you being there with me through those nights, holding on to me, listening to my chaotic thoughts and feelings . . . you were the light that drew me out of the darkness. You helped save me and I can never let that kind of love go un-returned."

You smile at him, "You did the same for me back then. If we hadn't of had each other . . ."

 He sits up and hugs you, "I know Lill, and we made a pinky promise that day too." 

You smile fondly and say "I remember and it was the day my career plans changed."

Smiling at him you say "You helped me to see which path I needed to follow. Now get under the covers." He must really be tired because he did as you told him. You pull the covers up over him and tuck him in.

Quietly he asks "Lill, can you tell me have you heard from Poppy, is she ok?" 

You see a sudden look of sadness flash across his face and wish you could say more. "I have, she is doing fine, but I'm not at liberty to say more. I'm sorry Yoongs."

Sleep is starting to over take him as he says "It's just my worry for you has kept my mind busy with thoughts of her as well." 

He yawns and settles more into his pillow as he sleepily says "What would I do without you?"

You brush his hair back from his face and kiss his forehead "Go to sleep little brother. "

 His eyes start to drift shut as an "Ugh" escapes his lips with a whispered "not a little brother" just as he drops off to sleep. You look fondly at him and softly laugh.

You cut off the lights as you leave. You start walking down the hall and you hear a snick of a door opening or closing again, but you don't see anyone.

You softly call out "Hello?" "Is any body there?"

 No response so you keep going. You're tired but know you can't sleep and didn't want to wake Hobi. You decided to text Namjoon, you knew he was working on a special project.

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