He's Lucky To Be Alive

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At the hospital Jin has been admitted to the ICU. The doctor comes into the ICU family waiting room and asks "Are you Mr. Kim's family?"

 Yoongi replies "Yes, we are."

You are clinging to Namjoon and turn your head to his chest as the tears start to fall. He holds you up, he can feel you knees weakening.

 The doctor said, "Please come with me." He leads everyone into a private consultation room, "Please have a seat."

The doctor says "He only regained consciousness for less than a minute after arriving and hasn't regain consciousness since"

Namjoon tightens his hold around you as you cry out loud. The nurse comes over and tries to comfort you as well, you push her away. 

"It's my fault!" you push Namjoon's arm away and tip the chair over as you run from the room.

The others get up ready to go after you when Namjoon holds up his hand to holt them. 

Yoongi says, "I'll go." He leaves the room to find you.

The doctor asks, "Do you want me to continue or wait for them?" The others agree for him to continue and when Yoongi brings you back they will fill you in.

The doctor continues where he left off, "He has bruises across his chest and abdomen from the seat belt, but that saved his life. He has a sprained ankle and bruised knee from where his legs were pinned under the dash."

"Mr. Kim is very lucky to be alive. From what the paramedics told us when they saw his vehicle they were expecting to recover a body, not a patient"

Everyone is in shock, Namjoon says "oh my gud, will he be ok, will he wake up?"

"We can't say when he may regain consciousness. Our main concern is any brain injury."

 Jungkook gasps and begins to cry. Jimin has gotten up from his chair and is pacing the room running his hand repeatedly thought his hair, eyes misty with tears. Taehyung is just sitting there in shock barely even blinking.

"We are doing tests on him to check for any signs of brain damage. So far signs are good." He gives a gentle smile of reassurance around the table. They begin asking questions and he answers as best he could.

Meanwhile, Yoongi has found you in the little chapel. He sits quietly beside you.

You glance over "It's my fault." You wipe tears from your eyes "I should have just . . ." 

he takes your hand in his interrupting you "It's not your fault. The other driver had a heart attack and crossed over into Jin's lane."

You hang your head "But if I had only . . ." 

He squeezes your hand, "Stop blaming yourself." he stands holding your hand "Come on, lets go see him."

You enter the room where the others are talking with the doctor. You ask the doctor "Please can I see him?"

 The doctor looks at you and softly places a hand on your shoulder, "Yes, but only one at a time and only for a few minutes."

You take off to Jin's room before the doctor even finishes. Namjoon tells the doctor, "Thank you." The others thank the doctor as he leaves.

You reach Jin's room and timidly take his hand. As tears start to fall you kiss his hand. "Baby, I love you. Please wake up. I'm sorry I made you angry."

Still holding his hand you kiss his face and gently whisper in his ear. " I love you Nom-nom. I would never knowingly do anything to hurt you. Please, please wake up."

You feel Jin's hand tighten around yours and a tear rolls from his eye

. You cry "Jin!" You look hopefully at him. "Jin I love you, wake up baby, wake up."

 He doesn't open his eyes but becomes still once again.


Jin had come to for less than an minute in the emergency room. The nurse told him he had been in a accident. He thought to himself as he felt the darkness start to overwhelm him, 'She will be free to love who she wants now' He drifts back into the pain free fog of darkness.

Some time later in the dark fog he heard someone crying. In his mind he seeks out where it is coming from. The cry sounds familiar. As his mind rises from the dark just under the surface he hears someone saying "I love you."

He recognizes the voice and thinks 'It can't be, she doesn't love me.' He then felt your hand holding his and a gentle kiss on his cheek. He tries to open his eyes but can't, thinking he must be dreaming, it's all a lie.

Then he heard the voice whispering in his ear "I love you Nom-nom, I love you so much. I would never knowingly do anything to hurt you. Please wake up."

He feels your tears fall on his face. He tries to speak and open his eyes but he just can't. He desperately wants you to know he heard you. He wants to tell you he is in love with you.

He thinks 'Please don't leave me. I love you. You're my World Wide Beautiful.' He tries to tell you but he only has enough strength to try and squeeze your hand. Then darkness overwhelms him and all is silent.

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