Ugh, Love Hurts

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After breakfast there is dance practice followed by stage rehearsal and sound check before tonight's concert. Done eating Jungkook and Jimin grab Tae "Come on lets head out."

Yoongi was done as well "I'll drive you over."

 Jin stands up, "I'll drive them. You've got to be too tired to drive" he then looks over at you "Especially after last nights activities." 

He gives a quick glare at you as he leads them out the door.

Hobi asks, "What was that all about?" 

Namjoon answers "He's just jealous of the relationship you two have. I wouldn't worry about it." 

You look at Hobi and smile "He didn't stand a chance. You had my heart the moment our eyes met and you smiled at me."

Hobi gives you a kiss "It was love at first sight." 

You both lean in close for a deeper kiss when Yoongi says "Uggh!" making a sour face. You all laugh at him. Yoongi stands and says "Everyone ready to head out?"

The whole time at dance rehearsal you noticed Jungkook, Jimin and Jin acting differently towards you. You noticed in the mirrored walls icy glares from Jungkook and Jin off and on when they thought you weren't looking.

Tae kept up with them in the choreography while making silly faces at you trying to make you laugh. You focused on giving Namjoon one on one instruction with a part he was having an issue with.

You caught Jimin a few times just staring at you sadly and he would quickly look down when you caught him. 

You tell Namjoon "I hope Jimin isn't coming down with something."

Namjoon falters and you bump into each other and laugh. He smiles at you "Thank you Noona for helping me." 

 You tell him "That is one of the reasons I am here." You both start again just as a staff member comes in and lets everyone know it is time to head to the arena.

Jungkook, Jimin and Jin start to leave without a word to any one. Jimin looks back at you before going through the door and pauses for a couple of seconds with a frown of confusion on his face before Jin grabs him by the arm and pulls him along.

Hobi puts his arm around your waist and Tae puts his arm over your shoulder sandwiching you between them. Yoongi and Namjoon follow right behind.

You arrive not long after the others and you tell Hobi "I'm going to the break room and try to take a nap, but I'll be there to watch you rehearse your solo."

 You tip toe up and give him a kiss and he holds you in a quick warm embrace. "Ok, Love."

Yoongi and Tae then each take a hand to give it a kiss and you swat them away laughing. Namjoon says "Rest well Noona." and he starts to follow the others. 

Smiling you say "Thank you, Jooni."

Hobi looks back at you and gives you a wink and you blow him a kiss then giggle when he runs into Yoongi who was waiting for him. 

Yoongi groans and rolls his eyes "Uggh." he grabs his chest "Love hurts." and walks away with Hobi. 

You giggle and think to your self 'one day Yoongi, one day.'

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