Dance With Me

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Several weeks have gone by and you and Jimin seem to be spending a lot of time together just through your job handling wardrobe. You are responsible for Jimin and Taehyung's wardrobe.

They all know you are Lill's baby sister now and you are accepted readily as family. You are still a little cautious being around so many at the company. But their sweetness and friendly manner makes you feel better.

As a family you have spent a lot of time with them and your sisters. The guys are use to calling you by your nickname now. One day you get a text from Jimin.

Jimin - Hi =D

Ailie - Hi Jimin

Jimin - are you busy?

Ailie - I'm just dancing

Jimin - You like dancing?

Ailie - I love ballet and contemporary. I'm glad you texted me

Jimin - You are? =D

Ailie - some times I get so caught up in dance I lose track of time

Jimin - oh, well, maybe we can spend some time together in the dance studio

Ailie - Idk

Jimin - it would be great if you could, I would love to have someone like you to dance with

Ailie - Jimin , I would only be a waste of your time

Jimin - what? why would it be wasting my time

Ailie - because you're a professional dancer, I'm not

Jimin - no one is as good as me, well, except Hobi-Hyung

Ailie - lol yeah, his dancing is awesome!

Jimin - and maybe Kooki

Ailie - yes, his dancing is so sexy

Jimin - and come to think of it Tae has, huh wait

Jimin - you think JK is sexy!?

Ailie - not like that lol his dancing is

Jimin - you don't think I'm sexy um my dancing that is

Ailie - you are and it is lol *blush*

Jimin - then come dance with me

Ailie - I like you too much to take you away from your practice

Jimin - You like me? =D

Ailie - You have been so nice to me, all of you have but you especially

Jimin - you are easy to be nice to

Ailie - I was so scared when I first arrived here because I'm a freak

Jimin - You are not a freak, you have a gift

Ailie - I have a curse you mean

Jimin - no, you have special gift, a talent

Ailie - Stop Jimin, I know I'm a freak

Jimin - Say that one more time and I'm taking you over my knee! *angry face*

Ailie - seriously!?

Jimin - Yes! Don't ever put yourself down like that again. Promise? promise me

Ailie - Yes Jimin, I promise

Jimin - good, now if you wont dance with me today, will you at least go with me to lunch?

Ailie - you really want to go out with me?

Jimin - I will take you over my knee, I swear

Ailie - um ok I will go out with you. thank you

Jimin - oh, Lill said for me to tell you to stop by her room before you get ready

Ailie - Ok, I will, hey wait she knows you were going to ask me to lunch?

Jimin - Yes, let me know when you are ready

Ailie - Ok thank you Jimin

Jimin - np, it's my pleasure =D

You leave the dance studio and head home to the little apartment near the company that Lill and Hobi got for you.

Your mind in a whirl with thoughts of Jimin, you didn't notice, you and your body guard that Hobi assigned, you were being followed.

You follow her in and you stand at the closed door while she checks your apartment. There isn't much to check, but you grin at her as she is being very professional.

Till Hobi makes other arrangements, you have a temporary studio apartment (kitchen, bedroom living room all in one room then there is the little bathroom).

Once she is done checking everything she motions for you that all is clear. "Thank you. Help yourself to a soda if you want." She smiles at you "Thank you." she goes to the fridge as you go to the the bathroom to shower.

Shortly after dropping you off, you arrive at Lill's room and she and Poppy are going through some dresses laid out on the bed. Matching them with shoes and such. You wonder what they're up to.

"Jimin said you wanted to see me?" They both smile at you, Poppy says "Yes, we do." She and Lill come towards you grinning and you slowly back away.

How The 7 Have FallenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ