He Tried To Kill Her

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The bedroom door suddenly bursts open. Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon came running when they heard the yelling.

Quickly assessing the situation Yoongi says "Jimin take her to Lilly." Jungkook and Namjoon try to wrestle Kang down but he's acting jacked on super human strength of a crazed man.

Jimin rushes to you and as gently as he can he takes you in his arms. He tries to quickly get you out of the room and to safety. Jungkook, Namjoon and Yoongi are in utter shock when Kang breaks free of them.

Kang was able to slash out at you but Jimin blocks it and takes the hit. The pain causes him to drop to one knee still holding you. Fearing another attempt to hurt you he draws you closer in a protective embrace, practically wrapping his body around yours to take the next blow himself.

Jungkook grabs Kang, Namjoon grabs Kang's wrist and twists till he drops the knife and Yoongi kicks the knife across the room. They three take him to the floor as he screams in outrage. Yoongi yells "Go! Take her now Jimin!"

Jimin rises and carries you to Lill and Hobi's room. You start to come around, the pain medication not penetrating enough to stop the hurt from all the rough handling.

As gently as he could Jimin places you on the bed and rushes back out of the room as Poppy and Lilly tend to you.

They see blood on you but can't find any wounds, they both noticed a blood trail on the floor and they looked at each other and Lill says "It's Mochi!" and she starts to head out to go to him. Poppy puts a hand on her shoulder, "Lill, he will be ok, let them handle this."

Tae is still dazed sitting against the foot of the bed crying with his hands covering his face. Jungkook has Kang on his stomach with his knee pressing hard on Kang's spine to keep him down, Namjoon is straddled across his legs sitting on them to keep him from kicking. Yoongi is using one of Tae's belts to bind Kang's hands.

Hobi had to find security and finally security runs in and puts cuffs on Kang. Hobi starts to set the room to rights, standing the table back up and picking things up off the floor when he sees Jimin enter the room he notices blood on his shirt and thinking it's yours he asks, "Is she ok?"

Jimin answers as he reaches Tae "Yes, Hyung. Lilly and Poppy are taking care of her." Jimin reaches Tae "Are you alright?" he places his hand on Tae's shoulder.

Tae looks up at Jimin with fear and worry in his eyes "I'm ok, is she safe? He tried to kill her!" Hearing the distress in his daddy's voice Tannie crawls out from under the bed and begins giving doggie kisses to Tae. He holds him in his arms "Good boy, you're a good boy."

Jungkook and Jimin went to help Taehyung stand up and they both noticed Jimin's arm. Tae says "My gud he cut you, you're bleeding Jimin."

Jimin looks at his upper arm and sees blood seeping through his sleeve and notices it running down his arm and dripping off his fingers. His face suddenly goes very pale and he weakly says "Oh my" and faints to the floor.

Jungkook still holding Tae who was holding Tannie, tried to grab him but couldn't "Shit!" Hearing Jungkook swear Hobi looks to see what happened, "Kook get Jimin to Lilly and Poppy. Jooni you help Tae and follow." He then looks at security as two more enter, "We will take care of this."

Kooki picks Jimin up and Namjoon following with his arm around Tae they head to Lill's room. Lill sees them and rushes to her baby Mochi.

Tae rushes to you and kneels by the bed taking hold of your hand. Tannie leaves his arms to get on the bed, he snuggles next to you.

Opening your eyes you smile at Tae. He asks "Are you ok? Did he hurt you? I'm so sorry. I passed out and couldn't stop him."

You go to wipe his tears and see the blood on his face you begin to cry "Oh aein(sweetheart) he hurt you. I'm so sorry." He says "It's not your fault" he grins "I should have ducked"

You look at Tannie and gently pet him "I'm so sorry, I don't know how he found me. I didn't tell him about the estate." Tae wipes your tears and gently kisses your forehead. "Don't you worry they have him."

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