She's Pregnant

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Jin opens the door for Hobi to carry Lill through. He places her gently on the bed. "My gud Jin . ." He sits on the edge of the bed and puts his head in his hands.

Jin sits beside him and places a comforting arm around his shoulders. "I think it is time we get everyone together and finish this." Hobi looks up at Jin, "As much as I rather not, I believe we have been pushed far enough. It is time to stop this."

Jin says, "Yoongi and Poppy will be back from their honeymoon trip in a few days, we can set things up then."

Hobi nods "But first we have to get Ailie back." Jin and Hobi move to the chairs near the window so not to disturb Lill and to make plans.

Half an hour later the doctor knocks then enters the room. Hobi goes to him "How's Jimin?"

The doctor says, "He is doing fine, a couple of stitches and the bleeding stop. I would recommend he take it easy, he seems to have a mild concussion. Someone should keep an eye on him till morning. Any changes or he keeps vomiting take him to the emergency room. " As he comes further into the room he sees Lilly laying on the bed.

"What's happened?" he walks to her and holds her wrist to check her pulse. Hobi stands next to him, "She fainted."

The doctor pats Hobi on the shoulder and says with a smile, "I'm not surprised Mr. Jung." noticing the confused look on Hobi's face he says with understanding "Oh I see, she hasn't told you yet." he softly laughs.

"She will be fine, she's pregnant and with all the stress of the day I'm not surprised. Sometimes it happens in the early months of pregnancy."

Hobi and Jin just stare at the doctor. Finally Hobi finds his voice "She's pregnant?"

The doctor replies "Yes, she told me as soon as she suspected, I confirmed it and she planned on telling you when you were on vacation. I just assumed she had already told you."

Hobi is still stunned with happiness, the doctor says "She just needs to rest and try to avoid anymore stress." Hobi says "I understand, I will make sure she listens, though she can be hard headed."

The doctor smiles "So I've noticed." Jin smiles as he congratulates Hobi.

Meanwhile Taehyung calls Yoongi and Poppy to let them know what has happened. Suga says "We'll catch the first plane out and be there as soon as we can." Poppy talks to Tae, "Tae please find her and tell Jimin we love him. Please give Lill a hug for me."

He hears her start to cry and Yoongi takes the phone back. "Taehyung we will be there a soon as we get a flight. Thanks for letting us know." Tae can hear Poppy crying in the background as he ends the call.

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