I Can't Find Her

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Relieved but shocked he asks, "What? Who told you? Jelan?" Hobi says, "No Lill told me." Looking earnestly at his Hyung he says "If I hurt her in any way I'm so sorry. It was not my intention." Hobi says, "I know Kook, but you two need to talk." He says, "I can't face her after what I've done."

Hobi smiles at him, "You need to talk about what you both have done. From what I understand she didn't want to fall in love either. You both fought love till it finally beat you."

Jungkook thinks about what his Hyung said. "You know how I feel about relationships. I don't feel," he pauses re thinking what he was about to say, "I didn't feel like I was ready to commit to one person. But now I'm not so sure I can call myself international playboy any longer. I mean," He runs his hands through his hair pacing. "I mean I have been with other women but with Jelan it was like nothing I've ever experienced before. "

Hobi smiles, "I understand and . . ." Jungkook interrupts, "UGH! I have no clue what I'm suppose to do. I've never felt for anyone the way I feel for her." Hobi softly says "It's called love Kooki. love. It can be crazy, confusing, frustrating and painful. Just look at Jin and Yoongi they suffered for love but look at what they have now. I have never seen Yoongi more contented since he has Poppy back in his life or Jin more sure of anything in his life than Dani's love." Jungkook finally stops pacing and sits listening to Hobi.

He continues, using the others as examples. "Look at Namjoon, always lost in his books never expecting to find love, till he almost lost it and realized what he was feeling. Now he has his own real life heroine and main character in his life. It wasn't without pain, or confusion but look at what they have together. Then there is Jimin and Taehyung. I don't need to tell you about them you were there through it all with them."

Jungkook has been listening and thinking. He looks up at his Hyung, "I, you're right. Love hasn't been easy for any of them but I bet you they would do it all again to have the love they have now." Hobi smiles, "I know I would. I never thought love could be so good. We have, all seven of us. fallen . . ." Jungkook finishes for him, "In love." He smiles at Jungkook, "You understand now?" Jungkook nods, "Yes, I believe I do. Thank you Hyung." He stands and so does Hobi and they hug.

Hobi starts for the door, "I'm heading down to breakfast with Lilly and the girls. (Nabi, Dani and Ailie). I've got to look after the expecting mommas."

Hobi smiles and pats Jungkook on the shoulder breaking him out of his thoughts and changes the subject to ease Jungkook's anxiety, "Needless to say Jin is a nervous wreck and his mother hen tendencies are in over drive. They need a break from him."

Laughing Hobi says "And then there is Namjoon, so excited to finally have his dream come true of being a dad. He keeps clued to her side. Checking to see if she wants a pillow, a glass of water, a foot massage, or is she wants pickles and ice cream." They both start laughing.

Hobi gives Jungkook another reassuring pat on the shoulder, "Talk to her." He starts to head down the hall to rescue the ladies from mother Jin when Jungkook says, "I can't find her. I've been looking for her all morning." Hobi says, "She left for the lake house earlier.""

Jungkook starts to walk away when Hobi calls back to him, "Would you mind picking up some extra banana milk for Lill to have at the house. She says the boys just can't seem to get enough." Jungkook laughs, "No problem. I got it." "Thanks Kooki."

They all had plans of things to do before heading out to the Lake House Estate. Hobi made sure everyone knew the others plans for what they were going to do before they leave the hotel and when they reach the lake house estate for security reasons. After all that has happened everyone readily agreed that would be best.

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