Champagne Flavored Kisses

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After lunch and a bottle and a half of champagne, Jimin and you are sitting at the table laughing and enjoying each others company.

Jimin says "I still want to dance with you." You smile but don't speak, you feel all bubbly inside. He continues "I studied contemporary dance and I would love to get together with you." grinning he waits for your response.

"I don't know Jimin. You're professionally trained, I'm self taught mostly. I have always loved dancing. It's something Lill and I have in common, she got me hooked." you shyly laugh.

While you were talking you noticed his eyes kept shifting to your lips and you couldn't help but run your tongue over them a couple of times as they felt dry.

Jimin reaches over and takes your hand in his, he leans in closer and you don't pull away, so he continues to lean in close and kisses your champagne flavored lips. "Mm, my favorite" and he pulls away gazing into your eyes.

Your gazes lock and Jimin swears he sees something special in the way you look at him. He can't describe it exactly. It's like something is pulling him deeper into your eyes. He shakes his head thinking it must be the champagne playing tricks on him.

You ask him "Are you alright Jimin." He shrugs, "I think so, I don't know what happened, it was really strange. I felt like I was being pulled in."

You softly say "I asked because sometimes . . ." You didn't get to finish for dessert was brought to the table.

You start to take a spoonful of dessert but you stop and giggle and go to feed it to Jimin instead, smiling "You first, my hero."

Jimin softly laughs and he gets a spoonful of his dessert also and goes to feed it to you, "To my damsel, in that gorgeous dress."

You feed each other a bite of dessert. Followed by more champagne.

You giggle as you rub your hand over your nose "The bubbles tickle my nose. I like this." You hold your glass out and Jimin refills it and tops his off.

Noticing a small dab of sweet topping on the corner of Jimin's mouth and feeling champagne bold, you lean in close and right as you go to kiss him you softly lick the topping from his lip instead.

You start to giggle at your boldness and as you go to pull away he pulls you back to him. He kisses you passionately and you feel like you're melting. You feel his tongue tasting your lips and you shiver slightly opening your mouth to sigh and his tongue is loving yours.

You never felt this before. You are starting to love champagne, yes, the champagne, falling into the bliss of this kind of kissing, you wonder if you are falling into more than bliss.

He kisses you tasting the sweetness of champagne and dessert. You pull apart just inches away and sit there in silence just staring into each others eyes then you both suddenly burst out laughing and he says "You're so sweet, your lips are my dessert."

With a mischievous smile you say "I've wondered how your lips would feel against mine." You sigh and dreamily say "Just delicious." Jimin smiles and you blush giggling "I didn't mean to say that out loud."

He grins, "The feeling is mutual, you have the sweetest lips. I could kiss them all day . . ." his eyes smolder with passion as he adds ". . . and night."

He kisses you again then he grabs his glass of champagne and you grab yours and he says "To us, may our lips always be our dessert." and you clink your glasses together laughing and drink what was left in your glasses.

Jimin hadn't realized just how much he had fallen for you till this moment. He is hoping things will blossom into something special. He can't stop thinking about holding you in his arms, dancing.

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