Hyung Or Not I Will Kick Your Ass!

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You  can't take any more and break free of Tae's hold and run down the hall eventually colliding with Namjoon as he steps out of the elevator. He steadies you placing his hands on your shoulders. Looking down into your eyes he sees you're crying. 

"What's wrong Noona? Where's Hobi?"

You jerk free just as the elevator doors closes so you run down the hall, away from them all. You run back to the room you and Hobi share realizing now why Jin has been so cold to you for weeks.

You now know why Jungkook slapped you and Jimin didn't seem to know whether to be angry or hurt. Now you know.

They think you have been cheating on Hobi. It is unfathomable to you that they would think such a thing let alone act on it.

Hobi starts to leave to go after you. Taehyung puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him "Let her go for now. I think she just needs a little space. We have business to take care of here."

He glares at Jin "Don't you ever imply that Lill and I have ever crossed the line like that. She is the best friend I have ever had and her being here with us can't make me any happier."

Jin stares in mild surprise at the way Taehyung is speaking to him. 

 "She shows us affection because she loves us, loves us like brothers. There is nothing going on except in your jealous mind! But if you ever try to make it out to be more . . I will kick your ass, Hyung or not!"

Both Jin and Hobi are staring at Taehyung neither one having ever seen him ready to fight one of his elders.

Hobi shakes his head and sits down across from Jin. He holds his head in his hands, elbows on knees wondering how to explain it to Jin. They hear him speak barely above a whisper "I know what is going on . . "

Jin interrupts him "YOU KNOW!? Then why the hell is she still here?"

 Hobi looks up at Jin and starts to explain "She and Yoo . . ."

Jin interrupts him again "How can you still love her?" 

Hobi says "Shut up Jin! Let me fin . . ." 

Jin continues "What kind of man are you to allow your girlfriend to openly cheat on you?"

Tae steps in front of Jin "Stop it, now!" Jin and Hobi both sit back.

Jin is still upset and can't believe Hobi knows and seems to be ok with it. Hobi is hurt that Jin would think so little of him and angry that one of them slapped you. They are both shocked at Taehyung.

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