Competing and Bickering Since Day One

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Arriving at the lake house first you have time to settle your things and get your motorcycle out of the garage

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Arriving at the lake house first you have time to settle your things and get your motorcycle out of the garage. You always feel you can release stress by riding your Harley. You take the trails around the lake at top speed.

But it gets harder to see when tears are falling and your crying is steaming up your helmet visor. You were remembering when you first met Jungkook. Everyone was at the estate house arriving for Hobi and Lilly's upcoming wedding and you arrived the day before him.

Unknown to Jungkook you were out on the trail. He didn't even know anyone was there who had a motorcycle when he went riding out on one of the trails around the lake. Not expecting to come across anyone else out riding you practically ran into each other. You both got into an argument and have been competing and bickering with each other since that day.

With tear blurry eyes you knew you should stop but couldn't, you just weren't ready to stop. You push your visor up so you could see. You reach a bend in the trail and almost ran into another person on a motorcycle. Dodging a head on collision you end up dropping your bike, skidding a few feet down the dirt trail.

Angry you picked yourself up, dust off the dirt and try to gently brush off the dirt on your scrapped leg, "Owe, dammit!!" You hurry to your bike and check it for any damage. You turn to see who the other rider is. He turned and removed his helmet and shook his hair out of his face. It was Jungkook and you mouth off to him, "Of all the blasted luck I have to run into you!?"

He walked over to lift his motorcycle up and put the kickstand down. He then turned and walked towards you, "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He starts to reach out for you, "Just stop right there, don't you touch me! I'm fine." You turn to see if you can start your bike, as you straddle it and kick start it, it roars to life. You smile despite the anguish you feel over Jungkook.

He quickly comes to stand in front of your bike so you can't leave. "I've been looking everywhere for you. I want to talk about last night." You look at him as you put your helmet on, visor still up. "What is there to talk about?" You try to steer around him but he continues to block your escape. He rolls his tongue in his cheek frustrated and says "You know what there is to talk about."

You roll your eyes, "I'm fine, don't worry. Now move out of my way." You try to move forward and he stops you again. "Please, I want to talk to you." Heaving a heavy sigh you cut off your motorcycle, put the kick stand down and get off. You impatiently stand there hands on your hips "Go ahead talk."

Jungkook sighs out of frustration, "Would you ride with me?" You look at him like he is crazy, "What? Ride with you, why?" He says, "Could you please just take a ride with me. I want to take you somewhere we can talk."

You step up to him and say in his face, "Why can't we talk here?" He sighs, closes his eyes and shakes his head and before speaking thinks to himself 'My god she tries my patience. She is going to be the death of me!' "Just humor me please Jelan." Waiting for her answer he thinks 'Jimin, Hobi, Hyungs you better be right.'

You say, "What about my bike? I wont leave it here." Jungkook takes out his cell phone and texts someone. "Security is on their way to take your bike back to the house." Shocked and angry that he just took your excuse away for not talking to him, you look him in the eyes, "What the hell Jeon Jungkook?" He groans and runs his hand through his hair, "Would you just settle down. Dammit woman you are driving me crazy."

You think to yourself 'He is so cute when he's frustrated.' You grin putting your helmet on and get on the back of his cycle, "Ok, let's go." He gets on starts up the bike and takes off with a lurch causing you to wrap your arms around him to keep from falling off the back. He smiles to himself as he feels you grab a hold of him, just like he wanted.

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