Pain Of Betrayal Can Be Deadly

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Namjoon comes in from his morning run and sees the gloomy faces sitting on the couch. Namjoon wipes his face on his towel "What's up guys? Why so glum?"

Yoongi calls from the other room "Joon is that you?" 

He calls back "Yes." 

Yoongi comes to the doorway, not looking at the boys he says "We need to talk. I have something to tell you."

Namjoon recognizes that tone of voice, Yoongi is angry. "Dam, it must be serious. I've only ever seen you this upset once before." Namjoon joins him in the game room.

Later Namjoon walks out to the living room where the boys are still sitting on the couch. He glares at them, "You're idiots!"

Jungkook mumbles "Yeah, we know."

 Namjoon pulls out his phone as he crosses the living room to the stairs. "Jin, answer the phone. You have to come back so we can talk. Call me back."

He stops at the foot of the stairs looking back at them "What the hell were you thinking?" and he heads off to his room.

In your room you try to reach Jin. You wipe tears from your eyes as you text

WWB - Jin?

WWB - Nom-nom please answer me, Jin please

Jin glances at his phone and sees it's a text from you. Not taking his eyes off the road he goes to cut off his phone when he sees a truck coming into his lane, the driver slumped over the steering wheel.

He swerves to avoid it but the truck hits the suv and both go careening off the road into a ravine.

The suv hits a tree and comes to a stop, no sooner had it stopped then the truck plowed into it breaking the tree and pushing the suv into a roll and then into a bigger tree.

At this point is when everything goes black for Jin.

Back at the house you come stumbling down the stairs crying and holding out your phone. They hear you crying and turn to you.

 "He's been in an accident. He's at the emergency room."

You crumble to the floor at the foot of the stairs crying "This is all my fault, all my fault."

 The others are already heading out to the other suv. Namjoon helps you up and leads you out.

You sit next to Namjoon and he has his arm around you as you cry looking out the window.

You keep whispering "It's my fault." over and over.

Namjoon pulls you close and leans his head to yours whispering "It's not your fault, sweetheart. It's not your fault." and he gently pats you on the shoulder keeping you close.

Yoongi's phone goes off and he hands it to Namjoon since he was driving "Answer that would you?"

Namjoon sees a text from Hobi. Hobi is listed as Jin's emergency contact.

Hobi texted "I just got a call from the hospital about Jin. The doctor told us what happened. We can't get there, please tell him we love him and keep us updated. They say he is unconscious, lets us know if anything changes. We are trying to get a flight."

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