Lilly And Poppy Stare Daggers

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Tae comes in on a conversation with the others about Kang. Poppy says "I was hoping he wouldn't come."

"Me too." says Ailie. Lill says "She wouldn't have been able to come if he didn't bring her. It's his fault they arrived so late tonight. I thought they weren't going to make it at all."

Dani says "She has missed so much already. I have never liked him, he grew up in my neighborhood and he was such a bully. I can't believe he is the CEO and administrator at the Trauma center where she works."

She steps away from the guys pulling Lilly, Poppy and Ailie with her and lowers her voice "There are also rumors that he can be very cruel." Lilly and Poppy look at Dani with concern then over at you. Lill looks at Dani and says "What do you mean cruel?" Ailie asks "How so?"

Dani pulls them closer and lowers her voice a little more and says "I've heard from others who have been in relationships with him that he can be physically and sexually cruel." Poppy says "How the hell does he get away with that?"

Lill is staring daggers at Kang. Dani says "He has such clout and power that others are afraid to take any action against him. A few have tried and the end result was total humiliation, crushed reputations and destroyed careers. All the while making it appear he is the victim in it all. He has friends in a lot of important places."

Lill looks at Ailie, "You make sure you never get close enough for him to touch you." Ailie says "Oh believe me, I plan on staying as close to Jimin and my Noona's as I can." Lill puts a hand on Ailie's shoulder and places a kiss on her cheek.

Namjoon walks in with Nabi holding on to his arm. She points over to you then whispers to Namjoon. He shakes his head no and whispers back to her. She nods in understanding.

She smiles and waves to you and you smile and wave back. Nabi noticed your smile never reached your eyes. You looked trapped, is the only way she could describe it.

Namjoon gingerly walks her over to the rest of her family. She had reconstructive surgery on some of her scars but was released in time to attend her cousins wedding. Her sisters surround her with smiles of happiness that she could make it.

Namjoon not leaving her side as he supports her gives her a tender look and her sister's hearts melt at the love shinning from his eyes. Dani looks over at Jin and he is smiling at her and she smiles back, happy she has also found someone to love her so.

Hobi approaches them and puts his arm around Lill's waist and says, "Well ladies, there is good news." They look expectantly at him, Lill asks "What is it? Is he leaving?"

Nabi looks questioningly at Lill. "Is who leaving?" Lill points over to Kang.

"Oh he is leaving ....right?" Hobi says, "Mm sadly no Nabi, at least not yet." They all look at Hobi curiously and Nabi says "You said at least not yet, what did you mean Oppa."

He says "She is moving here and going to work for the company." Poppy says "But doesn't that mean he is moving here too?" Lill says, "I hope not. He gives me the creeps."

Hobi says "I accepted her application as company doctor. He can't come with her as head of the hospital, he wouldn't give that up. Sunni approached him about it talking about moving out of the area he flat out refused. So I don't think we have to worry about him coming with her. I don't think his ego will let him leave such a posh job. Besides there is nothing here comparable to what he has now." Everyone is happy to hear the news.

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