I Don't Want Him

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The doctor comes in "Are you the family of Miss Park?"

Poppy steps forward. "Yes, I'm her sister, and this is her family." She says as she motions back towards the others.

She then turns back to the doctor. "Is she doing okay?"

Namjoon, Lilly, and Taehyung come to stand by her side. Yoongi went with Jin to the cafeteria to get them something to eat and has yet to return.

"She is waking up in recovery. The surgery went well. She is doing very good. You can see her once they have her settled back in the ICU. She has had to have staples as well as sutures to close up the wounds and we are using a new form of bandage that's clear. So don't be alarmed when you see them."

"It covers the wound yet allows it to stay dry and protected but makes it easier for the nurses to see the sutures and stitches without putting too much stress on the wound by removing and reapplying standard bandages."

"She has a breathing tube in to protect her airway, so she can't speak to you, but she can write. She has been talking to the nurses that way."

Lilly asks, "How long will she have the breathing tube?"

"Until the swelling is down in her neck and throat, the tube has to stay in place. I will tell the nurse to come and get you when she can have visitors."

He stands and says before leaving, "She is one strong young lady, and we expect her recovery to be excellent."

Poppy says, "Thank you, doctor." The others thank him, too, as he leaves.

An hour later, a nurse asks, "Miss Park?"

Poppy stands, and the nurse says, "You may come in and see your sister. She has been asking for you or Mrs. Jung."

Poppy sees Lill napping, her head resting on Yoongi's shoulder. "I'll go," she says.

Namjoon says, "I'll go too." he stands with Poppy.

The nurse asks, "Are you her husband?"

He blushes. "No, ma'am, I'm not."

She says, "We can only allow one family member at a time for now."

Poppy gives Namjoon a soft, reassuring pat on the shoulder before she follows the nurse.

Poppy reaches your bedside. She makes a little gasp of shock, seeing you with the tube coming out of your mouth and IV lines and wires leading to monitors. Your face is puffy, and it seems you are covered in bandages. She also notices drainage tubes coming from some of the wounds. She grimaces a little and stops looking at them.

You are pale, but upon seeing Poppy, you try to smile despite the tube. Poppy takes your hand and gently squeezes it, then kisses you on the cheek. "I love you."

You gesture to the pad of paper and pen on the little bedside table. With a shaky hand, you slowly write, "I *heart* U 2."

You rest a minute as the writing is causing you some pain.

Then, you pick up the pen again and write. "Nam, girls?"

Poppy tells you, "They are fine. They were not hurt."

Seeing the extent of the wounds on you, she starts to cry. "Oh, Nabs, I'm so sorry." She turns to the nurse and asks, "When will she be able to speak?"

She replies, "A couple of days at the most. The tube is in due to the swelling in her throat. Once the swelling is down, we can remove it."

Poppy looks down at you and sees tears rolling down your face. She gently wipes them away.

Poppy asks the nurse, "Will these cuts look better once they heal?"

She says, "They will start looking better in several months, but it may take over a year to really start to fade. But even then, they will still be noticeable."

You are quietly crying, and Poppy takes your hand. With the other hand, you gesture for the paper pad and pen.

You write "UGLY! Nam not want me."

Poppy wipes your tears. "No, he will never think you're ugly. Don't think that way. He wants to see you. He has been here the whole time worried about you."

More tears fall as you try to shake your head but can't. You write instead, "NO, NO!"

Shocked, Poppy says, "Nabby, don't do this to him. He wants to see you."

You are no longer crying but still getting upset. You write, "Don't want him!"

You can't watch his face when he sees how ugly you are. He wouldn't want you this way. No man would. The only way to spare him was to let him go. You feel your chest hurt, but you know it's not from your injuries but from your heart breaking.

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