You Just Called Him Kooki

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Feeling like your throat has suddenly gone dry you ask, "Do you have anything to drink?" He grins at you, "Be right back." He comes back smiling ear to ear as he holds up a bottle of wine and two glasses. Suddenly recalling the wine on your dress you jump up. "Oh no! I have to get this out of my dress before it completely dries." Walking to his bathroom you start unzipping your dress.

Stunned Jungkook just stares then moves into action, "Here." He says as he hands you one of his clean over sized t-shirts and a pair of shorts. Grabbing the clothes you head to the bathroom. "Oh, I need to use some of your vinegar." You hold out your hand. Jungkook says, "You know about the vinegar?" as he gets it out of his bag and hands it to you.

"Yes, I do know. It is great for getting out wine stains too." You continue to the bathroom to change but stop and turn back to him, "Kooki hand me your shirt, let me wash out the wine." He pulls his shirt off and hands it to you. Surprised your eyebrows rise as you look at him. "Wow." You take his shirt as he grins thinking you are impressed with his abs.

"It looks like it stained your skin too." You enter the bathroom and close the door. Jungkook goes to the mirror and looks at his abs and sure enough there is a slight red wine stain. He puts on a t-shirt and waits to use the bathroom to get cleaned up. It suddenly dawns on him you had called him Kooki. He grins.

He starts up his favorite game while waiting for you to finish in the bathroom and pours two glasses of wine. After a while he becomes concerned and goes to the bathroom door to check on you. He can hear the shower running. He goes and sits back down.

You had your dress and his shirt soaking while you showered. When you were done you hung them up on the shower curtain rod to dry. You slip into his t-shirt and pull on the shorts, "Shit" the shorts just dropped right off. You can't help but giggle at that. You pull them back up and walk out of the bathroom.

You have to hold up the shorts with one hand as they are too big. Jungkook's t-shirt fits like a dress. "Ugh I can't wear these they are just too big," The shorts fall to the floor when you let go so you just step out of them.

Jungkook struggles to not laugh trying to be serious he asks, "Will the vinegar get this stain off my skin too?" Grinning mischievously you say "Sure" and hand him back his vinegar and can't stop from laughing as he goes to the bathroom with it. He stops, "What are you laughing at?" You double over in laughter, "You, you're going to smell funny almost like a jar of pickles." You continue to laugh as he stomps off grabbing some clean clothes on the way to the bathroom.

He stops, realizing you are messing with him and says, "Do you play Overwatch?" You smile, "Yes I do." He says, "Good then play. I'm going to take a quick shower." Excited about the game you log in to play.

He enters the bathroom and notices not only their clothes hanging on the curtain rod but your bra too. He suddenly looks back towards the closed door and mumbles, "What the . . I didn't even notice. What's wrong with me?" After his shower he sits by you in shorts and a t-shirt, randomly pushing his hands through his still damp hair to help it dry, while watching you play.

He sees your glass is empty and he pours you both another. You mummer "Thanks" and keep playing, things are getting intense in the game.

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