Idol Struck

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After hearing the boys laughing, Lill says, "So, I thought I would take you to meet Soobin and Taehyun. They are here early today."

You love TXT and do a little jump of joy. "Really!?" Your eyes are bright with excitement.

She laughs at you. "Yes, really. They are here before the others to finish a photo shoot and then get their hair color changed. Guess who gets to color Soobin's hair?"

You look at her asking, "Who?" 

Lill looks intently at you, not saying anything, and then it dawns on you, "ME!?" you exclaim in unbelief.

She laughs. "Yes, you."

Once inside the elevator, she says, "The others are coming today as well for a photo shoot, and you, my dear cousin, are part of the team that does their hair and touch-ups during the shoot."

You clasp your hand in excitement, trying not to jump around in happiness. Laughing, she says, "Calm down. You need to get used to being around idols. They are such sweet young men. The head stylist and I thought they would be good as a start for you."

You put on a more serious face and straighten up. You check your appearance in the elevator's mirror-like walls and say, "Yes, Unnie. Thank you." Yet inside you are dancing with sheer excitement. 

You get off the elevator, and she leads you into the room where Soobin and Taehyun are waiting.

You get off the elevator, and she leads you into the room where Soobin and Taehyun are waiting

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Taehyun waves happily at Lill, "Hi, Noona."

 Soobin stares at you, his mouth slightly open and in awe.

Lill pats your shoulder and then says to the guys, "Hi, guys. I want to introduce you to my cousin. She will be helping the hair and makeup team for you today."

They both give you a little bow and say hello. You recover from being idol-shocked and respond calmly, "Hello, it's nice to meet you both."

You smile sweetly at Soobin, who is still staring at you. He quickly shakes his head to clear his mind. You may have been idol-struck meeting him and Taehyun, but your beauty struck him. He shyly smiles back, "Hello."

You and a couple of others start to work on their hair color. Lill had to leave the room due to the hair dye, and she told you, "I will catch up with you later." 

Then she looks at Soobin and Taehyun and teasingly says, "You two behave. Don't make me come looking for you later."

Their eyes widened in surprise, but they meekly nodded their heads. She laughed as they promised to behave. Soobin still glanced at you with puppy love shining in his eyes.

A few hours later, their hair was done, and they changed clothes for the photo shoot with the rest of their group. Lill was right. They are sweet young men and had you cracking up in laughter on more than one occasion.

You were thinking how well their hair color turned out when Lill walked in, followed by the others, and she introduced you. You were so giggly inside, but no one noticed your thrill at meeting them all, except for Lilly. She could see it in your eyes.

When done with their photo shoot, you tell Lill, "Oh my god, they are so sweet." 

Lill grins, "I think Soobin is crushing on you."

Blushing, you say, "No way."

Lill nods, saying, "Yes, way." You both laugh.

You ask, "Wait, just how old is Soobin?" 

Lill says "He's six years younger than you."

You are thinking then ask, "How old is Jin?"

 She answers, "He is two years older than you. Why?"

You blush, "Soobin is cute and adorable, but Jin is handsome and delicious."

 Lill says, "I think Jin has feelings for you too."

You blush and grin "No way." then you look at her "Really, do you think so?" Feeling hopeful, you ask, "Really, Unnie, do you think he likes me?"

She nods her head, and you smile brightly. "I hope so, because I know I have feelings for him too. Should I confess to him do you think?"

Lill, surprised, says, "No, no, you wait." 

Laughing at how quickly you fell for Jin, she says, "You just met him. If he wants to confess, he will. But give him more than 24 hours to confess," she teases you, and you can't help but laugh.

"I know, I'm rushing it, but it feels like destiny or something here." You look at Lill for confirmation as you rub your hand over your stomach.

She playfully smirks and says, "Or it's indigestion."

You lean into her laughing as you go with her to tour the rest of the entertainment company.

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