Calm Down, Just Calm Down

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Jungkook is smiling as he drives off with you holding on to him. He isn't surprised that his body is reacting to your closeness. He chides himself, 'calm down, just calm down.' He turns off the usual trail and follows another till it gets narrower and narrower. You hold closer to Jungkook and rest your head behind his shoulder to keep from being hit by branches.

You mummer, "Where the hell is he taking me?" yet you're not angry, you feel the warmth of his body through his leathers and you relax letting the feel of him and his scent fill your soul. Between his cologne and leather you are almost in heaven. You mumble to yourself "Agh, get a grip on yourself Jelan." Yet you think 'yeah, like a grip on his...' "Dammit don't think about last night it will be your undoing!" You sigh and just hold on tight.

Jungkook had his head down as well but he had traveled this trail many times and knows it well. He smiles because you had to hold him closer to avoid the branches. The deeper into the woods you go it starts to get darker. The trees forming a canopy over the narrow trail.

Suddenly the narrow trail opens up into a beautiful sun lit meadow. You can't believe your eyes, it's so beautiful. Jungkook stops his bike, put the kickstand down and removes his helmet. He shakes his head to clear his hair out of his face. He gets off the bike to help you dismount. You land on your feet and remove your helmet. You brush you hair with your hand into some form of control. You look around the meadow, "Kooki this is beautiful." You are smiling when you turn back to him.

He is smiling too, "You called me Kooki." You grimace, you didn't mean too, "Oh um sorry, I didn't mean too, it just slipped out." You stop talking and start to laugh and he does to. That was the second time you called him Kooki. He says, "I like it, but I would like it better if you called me yours."

Shocked you just stare at him, "What?" Jungkook steps closer and takes your hand in his. He leans in and kisses you. Stunned for a moment you let him, enjoying the warmth of his lips on yours. You come to your senses and whack him on the leg with your helmet, "What do you think you're doing!? I thought you wanted to talk."

Jungkook sits on the ground rubbing his leg, "Did you have to do that?" You put your helmet down and sit beside him. "I'm sorry. I was just caught off guard. I didn't mean to actually hurt you."

You start to gently rub his leg where you hit him hoping to ease the pain. He suddenly goes very still. You look up at him wondering what is wrong. "You ok?" Jungkook closes his eyes and draws a deep breath then releases it, "Can you please stop touching me."

Angry you stand up and glare down at him, "If you hate my touch so much then why did you bring me here? Why did you kiss me and why did you do what you did last night!?" You're mad at him and yourself. You wish last night had never happened because apparently last night meant nothing to him. You are so angry you start to walk away.

He calls out "Wait Jelan!" You stop and turn around arms across your chest glaring at him. He stands and says "I really need to talk to you about last night. "I'm sorry for what I did. I took something special from you and I'm sorry."

Your anger effected your vision where everything went black except for his face, you were so focused on him.

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