Stop Or I'll Kill You!

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Jimin goes to your room and knocks and you door slowly swings open, he cautiously calls "Ailie? It's Jimin may I come in?"

He hears crashing noises and muffled screams and he bolts in. Jimin sees two masked men trying to subdue you.

When you see Jimin you manage to yell "RUN! JIMIN RUN!" the one trying to tie up your hands backhanded you across the face knocking you to the floor unconscious.

Jimin runs in in a rage and the second man pulls a gun. "STOP or I'll kill you pretty boy." Jimin says "Get out! Leave her and get out!"

The one with the gun says "Oh we intend to get out but we're taking her with us." He laughs menacingly and before Jimin can do anything the man hit him in the head with the butt of his gun and Jimin drops to the floor unconscious his head bleeding.

They put you in a large canvas bag and take you to the window and climb out onto the window cleaners platform. They remove their mask and pick up the window squeegees and pretend to finish the window then lower the platform down. Once down they carry you to a black van and leave.

Several minutes later the real window washers regain consciousness and run in to get security and report the incidence. All of security is aware and start a floor by floor, room by room search, not aware that you had been kidnapped or Jimin left for dead. Security is talking to all staff and crew and hotel staff a floor at a time.

Jimin regains consciousness and sits up, his head is spinning and he throws up. He crawls over to the bed and pulls himself up.

He calls Tae feeling faint and lightheaded, he lays back on the bed when Tae answers "Hey Jiminah. What's up?" Tae barely hears Jimin whisper "Help me . . Ailie's room." Tae says "Jimin I can hardly hear you. Jimin what's going on?" Taehyung is met with silence then the sound of vomiting.

Minutes later Tae, Hobi, Lill and the boys rush in followed by security and find Jimin laying on the bed. His blood is soaking the pillow and there is vomit on the floor.

"OH MY GOD Mochi!" cries Lill as she crawls on the bed next to him checking his head wound. "Where's . . . Mochi? . . . oh my god?" struggling not to cry she asks "Mochi where is she?!"

Jimin moans and says, "Two men . . . hit her. . . took her . . . gun . . . hit me, everything . . . .went black." he rolls over and vomits.

Taehyung and Jungkook help Jimin clean up. Tae gets a wash cloth and cleans his face while Jungkook went to get Jimin a clean shirt.

Lilly was handed the emergency first aid kit from security and is bandaging his head, tears silently running down her face. Jungkook makes an ice pack for Jimin's head .

Head of security arrives and tells them they have the van and the men who took you on camera. He pieced together what happened after talking to the window cleaning crew and watching the hotels cctv.

Lill, with Tae's help gets Jimin off the bloody bed and on the couch.  Before he will let Lill help him lay down he looks up at her and cries, "I, I didn't get to tell . . .I couldn't protect her Noona."

She notices tears brimming over and wipes his tears away

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She notices tears brimming over and wipes his tears away. "Oh baby Mochi you will get to tell her." Lill gently hugs him and kisses his cheek as her tears mix with his.  She tries to get him to lay down but he struggles to sit up, "I need to sit up, Lilly I need to." She helps him to sit up and he holds his head in his hands.

The company's doctor comes running in and Lill steps back to allow the doctor to take care of Jimin. He is able to stop the bleeding by stitching up the wound. 

Jimin's hair is so thick that the doctor didn't have any problems hiding the stitches, no one will notice unless they started going through his hair. He finishes up by having Jimin hold a small bag of ice on his head.

There is a beehive of activity in the hallway. Jin, Hobi, and Namjoon help security clear the hallway. Tae and Jungkook are staying with Jimin. Tae holding a bucket and a clean wash cloth and Jungkook is holding Jimin's hand while the doctor check him out.

Lill goes to Hobi and when she gets close he takes her in his embrace. She looks at him "Oh Hobi my little baby sister and Jim-Jimin, I, I can't . . ." she faints and goes limp in his arms, he lifts her up.

Namjoon and Jin rush to him. "What's happened?" Hobi answers "She fainted. Everything was just too much for her."

Namjoon asks "What can we do to help?" Hobi says "Jin you come with me, I'll need you to open our door."

Holding Lill in his arms he turns to Namjoon, "Get two of the security to come and guard the room at the door and let the doctor know to come to us when he is finished with Jimin."

"Alright." says Namjoon as he heads back to your room.

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