An Instant Connection

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As they get closer to the house and step up to the door Lill smiles at Hobi as they enter hearing the piano music more clearly.

Lill recalls it's a song Yoongi wrote years ago right after Poppy left. She takes Hobi's arm leaning close to whisper in his ear, "I think it worked." 

Hobi smiles back at her "I believe you are right my Love."

Jimin still holding a sleeping Hope offers to carry her up to the nursery for a nap since you are carrying two baby bags and a sleeping Hunni. Smiling at him you say "Thank you."

Namjoon steps up and asks "Can I help you and carry the baby bags?" 

He simply asked to carry the baby bags so you don't know why you feel your cheeks heat as you blush. As he nears the air feels energized. You shake your head trying to dispel the feeling.

His hand brushes against your shoulder as he takes one of the bags and you both suddenly look at each other, it was like an electric tingle traveled up your arm and through your whole body. From the look on his face it seemed Namjoon felt it as well.

Lill has looked back at you and Namjoon and you see her eyes sparkle then return to normal. You grin and think, 'Namjoon?' you see Lill slightly nod as she looks back at Hobi and the house.

Once the girls are down for a nap Lilly and Dani show you to your room. It connects to the Nursery. Lilly then goes to take a quick nap and Dani helps you to settle in, catching you up on every thing. You can't help but softly laugh at her chattiness. You have missed her.

After a shower you change into another overly large gray maxi dress. You find it move comfortable when taking care of the twins. You are brushing you hair and daydreaming about Namjoon and his sexy dimpled smile.

Done with your hair and small amount of make up you finish unpacking your luggage. Before heading down and joining the others you are temped to dab just a bit of perfume behind your ears.

You give into the temptation and smile as you close your perfume bottle hoping Namjoon likes it. You shake your head at your thoughts and say out loud to the room "I'm being silly, he probably has a girlfriend."

About an hour later you're in the living room with Jin and Dani along with Hobi and Lilly sitting on the couch. Yoongi and Poppy are sharing a chair across from them.

Tae, Jimin and Jungkook are playing with the twins in the rec room, laughter and squeals can be heard all the way in the living room.

At one loud out burst of laughter and little girl squeals you smile saying "The twins are having fun," Namjoon says "I wonder who is having more fun the twins or the guys."

Everyone laughs and Namjoon smiles looking only at you. You blush and look away.

Lill notices Namjoon kept stealing glances at you and you at him. She smiles, she has seen that look exchanged before and she gives Hobi a kiss on the cheek. "I love you." 

He smiles and says "I love you back."

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