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Namjoon and Nabi are in the rec room playing with the twins. Jungkook told Namjoon what he had planned for tonight. As Jungkook walks pass the rec room holding your hand he glances in at Namjoon who nods and smiles. Jungkook smiles back as Nabi blows him a kiss.

With eyes full of hope he asks, "Will you go for a ride with me to our meadow?" You smile up at him, "Our meadow?" You love the sound of that, it makes your heart flutter. "Yes, I would love that." A short while later you reach the meadow and get off his motorcycle leaving your helmets there.

Jungkook reaches into the side bag and removes a blanket. He takes your hand and walks to the area of the meadow where you dropped him to the ground. You smile remembering sweeping his legs out from under him and the smile he gave you when he looked up at you.

You are grinning wondering where this was leading. He spreads the blanket out and then takes both your hands in his. "Baby, I started falling for you the day of Hobi and Noona's wedding and I finished falling that night in my room."

Your eyes are starting to tear up, your heart is racing. You smile at him and he continues, "Have you wondered what happened to your diamond earring from that night?" You shyly nod. He holds out a ring box opening it and showing you the ring.

"I had this made from that earring. It represents something special just between us, the night our bodies surrendered to our hearts." He bends down on one knee giving you the most adorable bunny smile and says "Baby, will you marry me?"

Tears silently fall you say, "Yes, I will marry you Kooki." He stands up and embraces you tightly. You both sit on the blanket when he suddenly gets back up, "Owe! I forgot." He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out another small box.

You are so confused. He says "Jimin knew why I wanted to keep your earring so to replace the ones he gave you for your birthday he bought you another pair." You open the box and there inside is a replica of the custom pair of earrings Jimin had made for you on your 18th birthday only the diamonds were bigger. You smile and softly say "Oh Jimin is so sweet."

You say it with such love in your voice Jungkook suddenly looks concerned and asks "You don't think he's cuter than me do you?" You burst out laughing. Ailie had told you all about that story. "No Jagi, No one can compare to you." He smiles and sits back down beside you and pulls you close.

He kisses you as he takes you with him to lay back on the blanket he is humming a tune that you recognize immediately. Snuggled together you both lay there looking up at the stars and his humming softly turns to singing, "You are the cause of my euphoria." You softly kiss his lips letting your hand wonder in his open shirt caressing his skin.

He faintly gasps at the pleasure your touch brings and he pulls you even closer. He caresses your body as his lips leave a trail of kisses down your neck. You both are in Utopia as the moon slips behind a cloud giving you privacy.

At that same moment in a whirlwind of chaos and family at the hospital, Hobi is with Lilly as she gives birth to healthy loud baby boys. Hobi smiles at his boys and then kisses Lilly, "Thank you my love for giving me sons. I think we are done for a while now."

Lilly smiles at him and reaches up and caresses his face, "Yes, I think we are but we can still practice." He leans down laughing and places a kiss on her cheek. "Oh yes Yeobo, yes, we can."

After visiting with Lilly and the new twins Ailie and Jimin are heading down the corridor to the nursery when she suddenly stops, "She said yes!" and does a little jump of happiness wrapping her arms around Jimin's neck and pulling his head down so she can kiss him.

Knowing what she was talking about he says "Aegiya, I never had a doubt." She looks adoringly up at Jimin, "And then there were none." He laughs and puts his arm around her waist and tugs her close to his side. Being cheeky he asks, "So you're sure there are no more sisters?" She bursts out laughing, "Yes, I'm sure." He mischievously grins, "Good because we are out of guys."

Authors Note: Coming soon "The Epilogue of How The Seven Have Fallen". You get a peak at their future. Don't miss it! I hope you have enjoyed reading the series "How The 7 Have Fallen".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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