Don't Make Me Hurt You

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Author's Note: there is an assault scene in this chapter.

Everyone goes to the tables assigned to them for the wedding dinner reception. Jimin and Ailie sang a cover of "I'm in Love" for Jin and Dani.

After food is served Namjoon makes a speech about Jin and teases Dani about what antics she has to look forward too, but she grins as she already knows.

He tells embarrassing stories about Jin and everyone laughs and Jin says "Oh stob it!" Then Poppy gives a speech about how true love is real, as she glances at Yoongi then back at Dani and ends the speech with "and Dani is blessed to have found her hearts love."

Everyone dancing and having a good time is all that Jin and Dani hoped for, despite Kang being there.

As the evening wore on Tae noticed tension between you and Kang. He turns to Jungkook and Jimin and whisper to them and they all look over at you. A plan is made to keep an eye on Kang and to take any action they thought was warranted against him if need be.

Just before the evening ended Tae saw Kang take a hold of your upper arm and he sees you grimace in pain. Kang whispers to you "Let's take a walk. I have something to say to you." His tone of voice has you scared.

They watch Kang take you outside and Tae quietly and quickly talks to Jungkook and Jimin and with an almost indiscernible nod they discreetly get up from the table. They follow you and Kang from a slight distance. They just wanted to keep an eye out for your safety.

Kang was so caught up in his triad that neither of you were aware of being followed. The boys can hear Kang's raised voice but can't make out what he is saying.

When Kang thinks he is far enough from sight and any ones hearing he turns on you and yells, "Why do you make me do this!" then he backhands you across the face knocking you to the ground.

"None of this would ever happen if you just do what I tell you! You know how much I love you, you're mine sweetheart why wont you listen to me!?"

As you try to get up he kicked you in the chest and yells " I told you, you're MINE! I will not allow you to touch another man especially your so called childhood friend." With each word he kicks you "Do.. kick ..I.. kick.. make ..kick ..myself.. kick ..clear!?" You curl up in a ball trying to protect yourself and softly cry.

Hearing Kang yell Tannie has taken off in a rage barking and snarling towards him. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook break into a full run towards you when they saw him strike you. As they get closer they hear Kang say as he looks down at you "You never listen. Why do you make me hurt you."

Tannie reaches Kang and sinks his teeth into his leg growling. Shocked, Kang shakes Tannie from his leg causing Tannie to fly several feet in the air before hitting the ground on his side with a yelp.

Yelling in a blinding rage Jungkook gets to Kang first and body slams him to the ground, Jimin joins in the fight with Jungkook as Tae rushes to your side.

Your lip is bleeding and knees are scraped up from the fall to the concrete. Your arms are covering you ribs as you struggle to cry. Taehyung gently takes you in his arms, "My love, can you breath, can you stand up?" Tannie crawls over and starts to doggie kiss away your tears.

Your sobs are shallow and to Taehyung it sounds like you are having trouble catching your breath. He picks you up gently in his arms , you whimper in pain as he carries you back towards the reception room. Tannie is following closely but starts dropping further and further behind.

Jin, Hobi, Yoongi and Namjoon with several security men are running out after seeing the look on the Maknae's faces as they started to follow you and Kang. They knew trouble was brewing.

They see Tae has you in his arms and acknowledge him. Hobi stops and says "Get her to Poppy and Lilly." Then he catches up with the others as they reach Jungkook and Jimin fighting Kang.

The girls meet Tae at the door and check on you. Tae says "Call an ambulance she can barely breathe!" Poppy says "Don't worry we will take her to the hospital."

Yoongi comes hurrying back knowing Poppy will want to drive you to the hospital when he notices Tannie lying still in the middle of the doorway. Yoongi scoops him up in his arms and realizes the cute little fur ball is not responding.

He looks at Poppy while cradling Tan in his arms "Baby something's wrong with Tannie." Poppy checks him "He's hardly breathing! We have to get them both to the hospital quickly." Yoongi says "I take it you're driving baby girl?"

She had already grab her keys "Yes, lets go." and with you in Tae's arms sitting in the back seat Poppy drove to the hospital with Yoongi sitting beside her gently holding Tannie in his.

Tears are flowing down Tae's face as the two he loves most in his life are hurt, you and his Tannie.

At the hospital Lill arrives with Hobi and the others after leaving the girls with Ailie, Nabi and the twins two favorite body guards. They are taking the girls back to the lake house.

Still in their wedding attire Jin and Dani arrive right behind the others.

How The 7 Have FallenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora