Soulmates And Kindred Spirits

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You and Hobi have been dating for almost 3 years. You are soulmates and are still so very much in love. You share a room at the hotel everyone is staying at for the up coming concert. The whole floor is booked for the members.

Hobi sleeps in a t-shirt and his Mang pj bottoms and you in his Mang pj top. You are snuggled up to him when your cell phone lights up and you hear it vibrating on the night stand. You turn to pick it up and see that Yoongi is texting you.

 You turn to pick it up and see that Yoongi  is texting you

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Yoongi - Are you awake?

Lilly - I am now lol

Yoongi - Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you

Lilly - It's ok. I can't sleep

Yoongi - Is Hobi asleep?

Lilly - Yes he is. He was so exhausted from today

Yoongi - I need to see you

Lilly - lol you saw me a few hours ago at dinner

Yoongi - yes, I know but we weren't alone

Yoongi - this is different, I can't wait any longer

Lilly - Is something wrong?

Yoongi - I just need you to share my bed, it's been too long

Lilly - Ah, then give me a few minutes

Yoongi - ok, I'll be waiting for you

You can't sleep any way and this may be just what you need too. You roll back and snuggle to Hobi then give him a kiss on his neck placing your arm over his chest. He smiles rolling onto his back and gives you a sleepy kiss.

You say "I love you. I'll be back as soon as I can." 

He sleepily says "I love you more" and gives you another kiss before rolling back over and dropping right back to sleep. He knows where you're going.

You sit up on the side of the bed and slip your feet into the bunny slippers that Jungkook gave you last year for your birthday.

You head to the bathroom to quickly brush your teeth and pull your hair up into a messy top bun. You grab your robe and quietly leave the room to head to Yoongi's just down the hall.

When you reach his room and gently knock on the door you hear a slight snick sound as if a door was opened down the hall. You are looking up and down the hall but don't see any one and shrug your shoulders thinking you were mistaken.

 When you hear Yoongi's door open you turn and he reaches out and takes hold of your hand and pulls you into his room.

 When you hear  Yoongi's door  open you turn and he reaches out and  takes hold of your  hand and pulls you into his room

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He is wearing his sleeping pants and a comfy t-shirt. He closes the door behind him and leans close to you.

  "I'm so glad you came Lilly. I have missed our nights together."

He gives you a soft quick kiss on the cheek. Still holding your hand he leads you further into the room towards the bed. Unknown to you and Yoongi, out in the hall there is another snick of a door closing and a unheard curse word was uttered.

Then,  as in your college days, you 'share' the bed as you both sit cross legged in the center of the bed to talk. Smiling gently at him you ask "What has you up so late Yoongs?"

 He says "You."

You give him a questioning look "What?" 

He starts to speak then stops a couple of times then says "Lill, I know you. You know we made a pinky promise to never keep things from each other and there is something you're keeping from me."

You are not surprised just disappointed in yourself. You thought you were hiding your feelings well, but leave it to Yoongi to see right through to your heart.

You wipe a tear on your sleeve and slightly nod. 

He continues "I've been so worried about you. You've been so somber ever since you came back from your parents. You haven't been your sunny self for several months now."

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