A Body That Begs To Be Touched

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You reach the end of the hall opposite their rooms. The door to this room has been locked since they first arrived.

They could see the wraparound balcony from the outside, but since the door was locked, none of them saw the inside.

Jungkook had tried to scale the outside to the balcony, but Namjoon and Jin caught him. Namjoon told him, "Get down, Maknae. It's locked for a reason."

Reluctantly, he climbed down. Now, they all will see what was behind the locked door.

They are curiously waiting while you take the key out of your pocket to open the door to the grand master suite of the house.

It was like a private apartment in the house, with everything but a kitchen. It was complete with a large bedroom, bathroom, two smaller rooms, and a living room. Double sliding glass doors that led out to the balcony.

This took up the other half of the second floor. Stunned, the others stood there, mouths gaping open, even Yoongi.

The living room had been turned into a photo studio with backdrops, lighting, and other equipment for photo shoots

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The living room had been turned into a photo studio with backdrops, lighting, and other equipment for photo shoots. The extra room held outfits sent by the stylists and Poppy's photography and video equipment.

Noticing their surprise at all the equipment already in the room besides what they had just brought up, you tell them, "I was contacted as soon as plans were made that you were coming, and I was given access to bring most of my equipment ahead of the shoot."

"The company's stylist brought outfits," she laughs. "Lots and lots of outfits." You turn to Dani, "And since we have Dani here, none of the makeup staff had to come." Dani smiles proudly.

They bring in your luggage, and you start unpacking. Jungkook and Taehyung help unpack your valuable equipment.

Yoongi sits down the case he carried in and turns right around to leave, but just as he starts out the door, no one notices. He takes a glance back at you and frowns before exiting.

"Thanks for helping bring everything up." They said you were welcome, and it was no problem, so you asked them, "Would you boys mind if I had some time with Dani?"

Jin kisses Dani as they leave the room, saying they will see you downstairs later. They close the door on their way out.

Jimin says, "She seems she knows Dani."

Jungkook says, "And Tae, too."

Taehyung says, "Yeah, I do know her. I know her very well." he smiles his boxy smile at them.

Jimin and Jungkook look at Tae, and Jimin says mischievously, "Oh, do tell."

Jungkook puts an arm around Tae's shoulder, "So tell us exactly how well you know her?"

"Yeah, spill the tea," says Jimin, grinning.

Tae smiles. "It's nothing like that," he laughs. Jimin pouts, and Tae decides he better tell more before that cute pout turns into a frown.

"She was a childhood friend. I got to spend a lot of good times with her and her family. She was always traveling and we would always hang out when she came home. She has won all kinds of awards around the world for her photography. She is well sought after."

Jungkook says, "I can well believe that." as he thinks how beautiful you look.

Tae can't miss the want in their eyes and starts teasing, "She's single, loves karaoke, photography, classic cars, and likes wearing mini skirts and taking long walks on the beach. Anything else you drooling boys want to know?"

He laughs "Oh yeah, and she has a body that begs to be touched

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He laughs "Oh yeah, and she has a body that begs to be touched." 

They jump at him and he takes off down the stairs laughing. "Wait!" they call out to him "How do you know?"

Tae keeps running and laughing. "Tell us we want to know." He laughs even louder and heads out the door towards the lake and they give chase. Namjoon laughs as they run pass him in the living room.

Namjoon hears Tae say loudly as they caught him "She's Lill's older sister!" 

Jimin and Jungkook were stunned and Tae was able to break free and off they go chasing him again. 

Jungkook calls out to Tae "Wait! What?" he thinks, 'How many more Park sisters are there?'

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