Close Enough To Kiss

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Back in the room, you're unpacking, and Dani is helping. Hoping that her constant chatter will take your mind and heart off the thoughts of Yoongi, you ask, "Dani, tell me how you are doing. I want to know everything about you and World Wide Handsome."

She goes into detail from the beginning of how they met to him delivering Lill and Hobi's first daughter to the night of chaos that resulted in Jin being in an accident and describing the romantic proposal.

You hug her tight, smiling. "I'm so happy for you. When are you two getting married?" She answers, "Hopefully, soon. We are still discussing a date and must work around all the busy schedules."

You smile at Dani, but you are just a little bit jealous of her enthusiasm about being in love. "It looks to me like he is deeply in love with you. His body language alone speaks volumes."

Dani smiles brightly. "You think so?" "Yeah, I think so," you say as you stash your last empty piece of luggage in the closet.

Dani says, "I love him so much that it hurts. Do you know what I mean, Unnie?"

You can't stop it, but you suddenly feel close to tears. "Yes, I know how much it can hurt," you turn away from her so she can't see the tears that fall.

Dani frowns, sensing your change of mood. She knows you need some time alone and suggests you shower, change, and then come down. "Well, I will leave you for now" she sees your tears and gives you a quick hug.

"Come down when you're ready and have some lunch." She pauses at the door and frowns, wishing she could do more. Then she leaves softly, closing the door behind her.

Now that you're alone, you think, 'I knew he would be here. Why the hell is it so hard to be near him? God, I didn't think this would be so hard.'

You feel short of breath and hold a hand over your heart; it feels like it is breaking all over again. You wipe your tears, take a deep breath, and gather your things to take a shower. You need the time to pull yourself together before going downstairs.

Outside, Tae, Jimin, and Jungkook made a detour to the car. They talked and walked around the car, admiring its lines and beauty. "You think she will let us drive it?" asks Jimin. "Oh, hell no," says Tae. "No one drives her baby but her and, on occasion, Lill."

Jungkook says, "I understand that. Yes, I do." He then walks around the car, admiring it. Jungkook mumbles to himself, "They both have perfect curves."

Tae, overhearing him mumble, asks, "What?" A slightly blushing Jungkook says, "Oh, nothing, just admiring the curves." He watches as you walk out of the house with a camera in your hand.

You call out to them, "Jin said to tell you lunch is ready if you're hungry." You start heading down to the deck at the end of the pier. You look at your camera and try to grab a different lens out of the bag.

You didn't see Yoongi coming up the pier, head down, focused on his phone. You ran into each other.

You almost topple off into the water, but he grabs hold of you just in time.

You're close enough to kiss but just stare into each other's eyes, neither able to speak. Emotions flashing across his face you whisper questioningly, "Yoongi?"

He glances at your lips, leaning slightly closer. He starts to say something when Jungkook calls out, "You ok, Noona?" The spell breaks and you and Yoongi break apart.

You gasp for a breath you didn't know you were holding while he picks up his phone and walks back to the house without a word to them as he passes.

You sigh and turn to Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae. "I'm fine, other than a little shaken." You give a trembling smile at Tae. He smiles back, and you laugh before he can notice you are about to break down. You weakly laugh, saying, "That was close."

The others laugh, agreeing that it was a close call. But you can't hide your feelings from Taehyung. Tae tries to take your mind off of the hurt he knows you're feeling. He takes hold of your arm and says, "Tell me, what have you been up to?" as he starts walking you down the pier.

Jimin steps on the other side, and they walk with you down to the end of the dock. Jungkook had picked up your camera and was following close behind checking it for any damages from when it got dropped.

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