Get Away From Us JK!

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Hobi steps out of the suv cradling you. He sees the others were ready for the concert, hair, make-up and wardrobe.

On seeing Hobi exiting the vehicle with you limp in his arms they stop in their tracks with looks of shock and concern on their faces.

Yoongi rushes forward placing a hand on your arm "Oh my gud, is she ok?"

 Jungkook reaches Hobi and starts to speak, his eyes filling with tears. Hobi ignores him and reassures Yoongi "She's ok, just sleeping."

He then looks at the others "She's alright, just asleep." A collective sigh of relief is heard from them.

Jungkook touches Hobi on the shoulder and starts to say something.

 Hobi looks at him, "Get away from us JK."

Namjoon steps close, "They have been waiting for you and Tae, let me take her." he holds out his arms towards you.

 Hobi says "No, I'll take her to the dressing room with me. Noona will take care of her."

They reach the dressing room and Jin holds open the door while Jimin grabs a jacket and a pillow and puts them on the couch. Hobi covers you with the jacket and kisses your cheek.

You mumble in your sleep "Hobi . . . I'm . . ." he places his finger over your lips "Hush love and sleep." You fall quickly back into your dreams.

One of the stylist touches Hobi's shoulder, "We need to get you ready. You two will just make it."

Tae is already seated in a chair and they are working quickly on his hair and make-up. Two more set to work on Hobi. 

He asks "Where's Noona?" 

They tell him that she is on her way with their outfits.

Noona/Mrs. Chong, comes in carrying their outfits for the opening stage. She sees you sleeping on the couch, "Poor little thing she must be exhausted. I know she's been feeling tired lately."

She looks at Hobi and Tae in the mirrors "You boys have to hurry."

 She helps with Tae because he is mostly complete except for wardrobe. It was no small feat getting them ready and dressed in record time.

Hobi asks "Noona can you stay with her while we perform?" 

She smiles "Of course I can, anything for you and our little sweetheart." Hobi gives her a quick hug.

She looks at her watch then up at the boys. "You're going to have to run. Get going."

She shoos them out of the room. Right before they clear the doorway she touches J- Hope's arm "Are you still . . ." 

He smiles "Yes, Noona. Thank you."

She smiles as they run as fast as they can to meet up with the others already positioned to go on stage. Two of the make-up staff ran with them to do a quick touch up before the lift starts up.

After Hobi and Tae left she looks at you sleeping and smiles. All the staff and crew had been informed of what was planned for tonight. She was very happy and thinks to herself 'about time these two made it permanent.'

The concert was almost half over when you suddenly wake up.

 Mrs. Chong smiles "There you are. Have you rested well?"

 You stretch and say "Yes, I have. I actually feel recharged." You quickly sit up in a panic "OH NO! Hobi - Tae they'll be late!"

She sits besides you and pats your hand "No, no they are already performing. They made it in time." You smile and sit back relieved they weren't late because of you.

She asks "Are you feeling alright? You seem to be tired a lot lately." 

You lay your hand over your tummy as she shifts away to stand up. 'Yes." then you whisper "We both are."

Not hearing the whisper she turns to you "There is something Hope wanted me to do" she takes your hand, "Come with me." 

She leads you over to sit in one of the stylists chairs. Two stylists come over and start doing your hair and make-up.

Surprised you ask "Wait, what is going on?" 

She says "I can't tell you about that but lets just say you need this before seeing any one tonight." she turns your chair to face the mirror.

 You groan out loud "Oh my, I look a mess." 

She says "Don't worry we've got this."

While J Hope and Tae with the other members waiting to go on stage, production was putting a message up on the mega screen for ARMY about the plans involving them tonight. 

Oh's and Ah's reverberated around the arena. Tonight was a big night and they were excited to be part of it.

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