She's More Than Enough Woman For Me

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One night they all had gone out for dinner and returned to the hotel near the concert venue. The members and their wives/girlfriends have one floor to themselves with security. Everyone is heading to their rooms looking forward to some time at the lake house estate the next day.

Jungkook and Jelan are following the others as they head to their rooms. Suga laughs a mischievous machine gun laugh and pulls Poppy into their room. She giggles as the door is closed then locked only to be reopened by Yoongi to hang the 'do not disturb' sign up.

Hobi and Lill tell everyone goodnight as they enter their room. Hobi places the 'do not disturb' sign on the door handle and smiles at the others as he slowly closes it with a wink.

Jin is swaying holding onto Dani as she guides him to their room. They stumble in through the door as he is trying to kiss her. She manages to get him in the room and then hangs the 'do not disturb' sign on the door handle.

Namjoon picks up his Nabi and carries her over the threshold. He uses his foot to shut the door. The 'do not disturb sign gets caught in the door. He is pulling it from the inside trying to get it thinking it had come off the handle but the sign tears instead.

Jimin, Jungkook and the girls start laughing. The god of destruction strikes again! The door quickly reopens and they hear Nabi laughing as he hangs the sign up with tape. Ever prepared she always carries a Jooni Emergency Fix It Kit.

Tae and Sunny left dinner early to head out to meet up with friends at a new jazz club and haven't returned yet.

Jimin has his arm around Ailie's waist and are right in front of you. You're carrying your high heels and sway a little and giggle followed by Jungkook who is admiring the rear view.

Jimin says as he laughs at all the 'do not disturb' signs going up. "I see a pattern here don't you?" as he looks back at them. Jungkook winks at Jimin, "Sure do." They enter Jimin and Ailie's room and Jimin and Jungkook get out drinks.

You sit around chatting and drinking. You and Ailie are whispering to each other then look at Jimin and JK and giggle. Jimin grins and looks at JK, "I think they are planning trouble for us." He winks at Ailie and does a heartue to both of them. You both blow Jimin a kiss and go back to whispering and laughing.

Jungkook says to Jimin, "Well it looks like I will be the only one lonely tonight." Jimin looks at the girls then back at Jungkook, "Are you implying that Ailie, Jelan and I . . . WHOA no way. I know you will find this hard to believe but Ailie is more than enough woman for me!" In mock seriousness Jungkook says "Unbelievable!" Jimin laughs.

Jimin gives Jungkook a wiggle of the brows and a mischievous grin, "Maybe if you didn't argue with Jelan all the time you wouldn't be. I heard she likes you." Shocked JK looks at Jimin, "Are you kidding me? She doesn't like me. Why do you think we argue so much, we can't stand each other."

Jimin laughs as if he knows something JK doesn't. He smiles at the girls and asks, "Ladies, a refill?" he goes to them and refills their glasses. Ailie's glass is filled with more non-alcoholic sparkling cider. Yours with more red wine. He gives you both a kiss, one on the cheek for you and deep passionate kiss for Ailie as he gently lays his hand on her rounded tummy, "Jagiya, saranghae." Ailie Kisses him back.

You blush at this show of affection, happy for your sister but a little sad that you don't have a love of your own. He turns back to JK and puts a brotherly arm around his shoulder and leads him across the room away from you and Ailie.

You watch as Jungkook walks away and you grin admiring the view. Ailie whispers in your ear and you blush. "Yes they do both have fantastic. . ." you blush "I will just say that yes, the rear view is spectacular, especially Jungkook's." You both start laughing.

Once Jimin has Jungkook away from the girls he says, "Maknae," Jungkook shoots him a quarrelsome look and Jimin laughs. "She likes you and I believe you like her too. You're just afraid to lose your heart." Jimin pokes JK in the chest over his heart, "But I think you've already lost it, Mr. International Playboy." He laughs and says "Give love a chance."

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