What Do You Mean Boy's?

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Jungkook enters the room carrying snacks for him and Lill, "Oh sorry guys. I didn't know you all would be here at the same time. I would have gotten everyone something."

He hands Lill her snack and some banana milk. "Thank you Bunny, it seems this craving for banana milk is getting out of hand, I want it all the time now."

Jungkook takes her hand and says "Well, you are the only one who is allowed access to my banana milk." She smiles at him and squeezes his hand, "Thank you Kooki."

Jimin looks at Jungkook and jokingly says, "I just hope that the craving for banana milk doesn't mean the boys are going to be a pain in the butt like you."

They all laugh. Jungkook suddenly stops laughing and looks at Jimin "Wait, what do you mean boys?"

His question never was answered as Poppy comes hurrying in carrying a folder in her hand, winded she says "Sorry I'm late" she stops to kiss Yoongi then hands the folder to Lill, "This is for you."

J Hope goes and stands by Lill while she opens the folder. "It's the deed to the lake house." Yoongi is standing with Poppy and puts an arm around her.

Poppy says "I was so sad to have missed your wedding then to have missed the birth of the girls. I wanted to get you something special. I bought the house on the lake for you as a wedding gift.

Taken by surprise Lill starts to cry, "Oh Poppy, thank you" and they hug each other. J Hope smiles at them, he was in on the whole thing.

Yoongi says "She bought the lake house and I bought the lake." He says "We wanted to have a special place where we all could live and watch our children grow up together."

Jin arriving with Dani says "You getting soft on us Yoongi." as Dani goes to hug you and Lill. Tae grins and says "Yoongi soft? Not with Poppy around he isn't."

The guys laugh and Tae smiles broadly as Poppy blushes. Yoongi grins at her then knuckle bumps Tae.

Lill looks at Tae and Kooki and mischievously says "And then there were two." Tae and Jungkook look at Lill in bewilderment.

Kooki asks "What do you mean and there were two?" J Hope and the others start laughing.

A week has passed and everyone is back at the lake house. Their lives are slowly returning back normal. After breakfast Jimin asks you to walk with him down to the lake. Shyly you look up at him and smile. Lilly and Poppy smile as they watch you walk with Jimin down to the dock.

Lill says, "I think my baby Mochi has lost his heart." Poppy says "And our baby sister has most definitely found it." They turn from the window and go up to the nursery to play with the twins.

Jimin asks you "How are you feeling?" You say "I'm so much better. Especially when I'm with you." you smile at Jimin your heart flutters as he smiles at you.

You know your heart is lost to him and it doesn't feel scary any longer, you are in love with Jimin.

Jimin says "When we were in the hospital that one night you squeezed my hand" you look away and he gently turns your face back to his, "Can I tell you what I saw?"

Shyly you say "Yes" though you already knew.

He says "I saw us together in my bed. I saw rings and flowers and, and then I saw a little one running to me calling me appa."

You blush for you saw the same thing, at first you thought you just dreamt it. You tell him "Do you remember the first day when you grabbed my wrist to stop me from walking away?" Jimin nods, "That is what I saw that day."

Jimin cups your face in his hands and looks longingly into your eyes. Silence continues then your eyes glisten with tears and you say in a whisper "I'm in love with you too."

Jimin surprised says "You heard that?" You grin at him "Yes, I did." Jimin kisses you again and holds you in his embrace as you sit in companionable silence, for no words needed to be spoken between you and Jimin.

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