No Time To Chat

14 2 0

Group Chat

Author Note: They are at the same place but not all together as they were doing different things working on the surprise for Lilly

Jin - Hobi?

Jin - J-Hope

Jin - Jung Ho-Seok!!!

Jin - damn it, someone answer me!😠

TaeTae - OMG, you used a swear word!😲

Jin - Tae, where is Hobi?

TaeTae - He's in the bathroom, what's up

Suga - OMG what's wrong?

Suga - you don't use words like that unless it's bad. It's Lill isn't it

Jin - Yes

Suga - She pinky promised me she would be fine!!

Jin - Dani thinks she has gone into premature labor

Suga - Dammit!😧

Jin - there is stuff everywhere! I don't know what to do

Suga - god dammit, try to calm down!

Jin - I can't calm down she is crying for Hobi

Suga - I meant me

Jin - oh, good because I don't think I can

Kooki - oh shit!

Namjoon - guys, calm down. I'll take his phone to him. I'm sure things will be fine

Suga - don't worry Jin, we'll be there as soon as we can

Jin - I can come and get you, yeah I will come get you

Suga - Coward, don't dare leave her and Lill alone!!

Jin - STOB IT! I'm not a coward just afraid for her

Namjoon - Yoongi, we all care for Lill but don't take your frustration out on Jin.

Suga - ugh sorry

Namjoon - everyone stay calm, women have babies every day

Jin - It's your Noona, Hobi's wife and cousin to the woman I lov . . um Lill's cousin

Suga - Did you call an ambulance?

Jin - oh, umm good idea

Suga - OMG you're such an . .

Kooki - I already called in case Jin was upset and not thinking clearly. No offense Hyung

Jin - None taken, thank you. I can't think straight right now

TaeTae - It'll be ok she pinky promised Yoongi

Jin - Oh, good. She made a pinky promise with Yoongi, I feel so much better now

Hobi joins Group Chat

Hobi - Lill's in labor? She isn't due for almost 2 months!

Jin - Umm umm let me let you talk to Dani

Dani joins Group Chat

Dani - Oppa?

Hobi - Dani, what's going on?

Dani - Her water broke and she's in labor

Hobi - No, NO! It's too soon

Namjoon - Women have been having babies for centuries, I'm sure she'll be fine

Hobi - But this is my Love and my baby, it's too early!

Dani - Jin said an ambulance was called will they be here soon?

Kooki - They said they would be there as soon as possible

Hobi - Is she alright? Please say she is alright

Dani - She's ok for now, said the strangest thing though about not wanting to lose another baby

Hobi - huh? what other baby?

Suga - shit

TaeTae - oh, um uh

Suga - we can talk about it later

Hobi - I, I don't understand Yoongi

Namjoon - let her know we will get there as fast as we can

Dani - ok, please hurry

Hobi - please take care of her, she's my everything

Dani - You know I will, but I'm scared. This is nothing like the births I attended in training

Suga - Trust your training, you got this. I have faith in you

TaeTae - I do too

Dani has left the Group Chat

Jin - Lill needed her, hurry guys!

Jimin joins the Group Chat

Jimin - Wait, what?! Lill's in labor? It's too early!

Kooki - Where have you been Jimin?

Jimin - I was in the shower trying to get the paint out of my hair

Kooki - 😏

Jimin - so it wasn't an accident! You did it on purpose!? grr😤

Kooki - but it looked so cute on you😋

Namjoon - Stop both of you, now is not the time for this

Jin - she's calling for me what do I do?

Suga - seriously, you have to ask? GO TO HER you big dope!

Jin - she's yelling for me,  gotta go!

Jin has left Group Chat

Hobi - tell her I love her . . . Jin??

Jimin -  omg Lill, the baby😭 😭

TaeTae - come here Chimmy

Jimin and TaeTae have left Group Chat

Suga - Lets go guys our ride is here. Lets move it!

Suga - oh shit, really? Someone grab Hobi off the floor, we have to go now

Kooki - I'll get him

Kooki has left the Group Chat

Suga, Namjoon, Kooki have left Group Chat

Jungkook runs into the room to pick him up and carries Hobi down following behind Suga and Namjoon. Tae and Jimin catch up by the time they get outside to the vehicle. The driver opens the door for them to get in.

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