Untitled Part 4

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 "What is it Kylie?" I looked around. "Where is Gen?"

"She is on patrol with Cory. Why?"

"Did Gen start her menses before her 'hell'?"

"No it started after. Why?"

"Cassie is having a slight pain in her lower tummy." I placed my hand on my lower belly. "Oh?" Colleen said then looked where I placed my hand. "Oh!" She said again understanding.

"Mom. Cassie also shifted for the first time." Paddy told her.

"She is the right age and size." Colleen thought for a moment. "But too young for her menses."

"At least for a shapeshifter but for a vampire." I looked at Colleen.

"Her Passion." I said.

Paddy's head popped up. "No one is touching Cassie."

"You will not have much choice if that is what is wrong with her." Colleen said.

Paddy's eyes closed in emotional pain. His daughter was too young for this.

"Paddy, she is over a year old. The vampire part of her will have finished developing so it is quite possible." His mother told him. He put his hand over his mouth. "It was not something I was ready to deal with yet. I was hoping to have years before any of this started. Now it might be down to months maybe days." He shook his head.

"What do we do?" He asked no one in particular.

"Well we will have to see what develops."

Colleen's main door banged open. Shaun was carrying Gen. She was holding her lower belly. She was in a lot of pain.

"I am going to check on Cassie." I ran to our quarters. I went straight to Cassie's room. She was not there.


"Momma." I heard her whisper. I ran into my bedroom. Cassie was lying on the floor curled up in a ball. "Cassie what is it?"

"It hurts Momma. It just kept getting worse. I went to relieve myself and it made it worse. I just could not move anymore. Agh!" She was in tears.

"Gen is the same way. What have the two of you been eaten recently?"

"We had some apples at the market yesterday."

Paddy ran into the bedroom.

"Cassie! Gen has a high fever." He touched Cassie's forehead. "Cassie is just as hot."

"I am cold Papa." I went for a blanket on our bed and covered her with it.

"Okay, let us get you back to your bed."

"Where is Quinn?"

"Cory is watching him." I nodded.

Cassie started to shiver.

"Wait Paddy. Let us bring her down to the pool. The water might help to lower her fever."

"Good idea."

We brought her down stairs. I gently removed her clothes. "Cassie where did these bruises come from?" She looked down at herself.

"I do not know. They were not there this morning when I bathed." I looked at Paddy.

"I will ask." He shifted into an otter and dove into the water. No one would be in their animal form so he went to ask them and find out. He was back a few minutes later.

"Mom checked Gen. She has bruises all over her belly too. Mom has her down in the pool too."

We floated around in the water until Cassie stopped shivering. She curled up into my arms. "Momma you smell good."

"I do." I looked into her eyes: bloodlust.

"Okay but just a little."

"All right." She bit gently and took a little. She snuggled against me then fell asleep. Paddy looked panicked.

"Kylie the last time she bit you. She paralyzed you. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking if vampire blood can heal me. I wonder what it would do if someone was ill." I picked Cassie up.

"Look at her belly, Paddy. There is no more bruising. It healed her and her fever is gone." He touched her forehead again.

"Now. Let us get her to her bed. Are you all right?" He looked worriedly at me.

"I can move. I guess I am all right. I do not even have any strange sensations."

We brought Cassie to her bed.

"I am going to check on Gen. I will be back in a few minutes."

"All right."

Paddy went to check on his sister. I stayed with Cassie. She curled up into her blankets and was breathing quietly.

Paddy came back with his parents and Gen.

"I told them how you helped Cassie."

I went to Gen and brushed back her hair.

"Do you want to try it Gen?"

"Yes anything is better than this pain." She groaned. Colleen and Shaun were holding her up. "Paddy poke two holes here." I pointed to the opposite side that Cassie drank from. Paddy turned his index finger into a single claw and poked two holes into my neck. "Quickly Gen before it heals." I told her.

Gen took a little like Cassie. She fell asleep also. Shaun cradled his daughter in his arms. "By the Gods. It works fast. She is not even hot anymore." Colleen went and checked her belly. "The bruises are gone too."

I got a powerful hug from Colleen. Shaun kissed my cheek.

"Thank you." They both said.

"I am glad I could help."

"We will go and put her to bed let her sleep it off." Shaun turned back to me. "Did Cassie say if they ate anything?" I nodded. "Apples from the market."

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