Untitled Part 28

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 Athos and Julian were beside Shaun. "We hear you need some blood?"

"Yes I do. We are going to see if it will help Wilbert." They both nodded.

Shaun went to the cell door and let Athos and Julian inside. Wilbert was very nervous with them in the cell with him. "What do you two want?" He looked around for an escape but there was none. Athos and Julian circled Wilbert. He was not able to watch the both of them. He kept turning around but finally he had his back to one of them. Athos pinned back his arms. Julian quickly sliced his wrist open and pressed it to Wilbert's mouth. Wilbert tried to move his head but Julian had him in a headlock. Councilman Klaus and Carlos were in there helping to hold him.

"Okay, he has taken enough from me. Next." Councilman Klaus sliced his wrist and feed Wilbert. He started to drink greedily. When the Councilmen stopped feeding him. Wilbert grabbed his head. He was moaning loudly.

"Oh! My head." then he collapsed on the floor.

"Senor!" Mikalia ran to him. He opened his eyes and saw his wife there. "Hello my Precious Love. You would not believe the dream I have had." Mikalia's smile brighten the entire cell.

"Yes I think I would." Wilbert looked around at all the people staring at him. "Mikalia, where am I?"

"We are in London for the gathering."

"How did I get here? You and Samuel left this morning for Josie's place in Leon."

Samuel walked in. "No Grandfather that was ten years ago." Wilbert's face went ash white. "Ten years ago? Then it was not a dream. It was real." He sat up and checked Mikalia's shoulders. "My Precious Love are you all right. I can not believe I harmed you in that way." Mikalia's eyes were red. "You are back to yourself. It does not matter anymore." Wilbert hugged her tightly. "I am so sorry, My Precious Love."

We heard a cheer go up in the cavern, "What is that?"

"That, my friend, is your whole entire family cheering your return." Councilman Klaus told him. "Everyone is here at the gathering."

"Si. We voted. Everyone wanted to come so we did." She smiled happily.

"Ten years. There must be a lot of children born during that time."

"Si Grandfather, they will be happy to see you." Samuel told him.

Mikalia helped Wilbert up. He hugged Samuel, Angela and Mikalia.

"It does not feel like ten years."

"No it does not Grandfather more like a century." Wilbert walked out of his cell. He yelled. "My Children!" It took them a full minute to gather in the training square then they answered back. "Grandfather!" Many were weeping they were so happy.

"Please all of you who had children since my illness began. May I see them with these old eyes again?"

There was a long line of families waiting to introduce their children to their grandfather. Mikalia sat right beside him. Smiling every once in a while. Wilbert would take her hand and kiss it. The entire group would suddenly go silent to watch the show of affection between them.

I over heard one of the family members telling the other. "It is true. He is finally back. He has not kissed Grandmother's hand that way since he became ill. Grandmother was right the Council did know how to heal him."

"Our prayers have been answered."

It took all night for Wilbert to meet his most recent family members.

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