Untitled Part 77

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I returned from a patrol to find Paddy talking to some people I had never seen before.

"Kylie." Paddy met me as I walked through the door. "I have some people I would like you to meet." I nodded.

"Everyone, this is my wife, Kylie." They all nodded. "This is Trish, Beverly, Cody and Victor." I nodded to them. "They are all shamans."

"Really? How interesting?" I smiled. "Would anyone like some tea?" They all nodded.

I made tea and brought out some biscuits for them.

"Thank you Kylie. This is very generous of you." Victor said in his heavy Russian accent.

"It is no trouble Victor."

I went back into the kitchen for the tea tray. I came back and poured them their tea.

"All right Paddy. What are the questions you wanted to ask us?" Beverly sounded a little impatient.

"Two and half years ago my grandparents were captured in a net. Did any of you hear their calls for help?"

"No Paddy. Lizzy asked me that shortly after I arrived." Beverly answered with a sigh.

"Very well. Did any of you receive a message from Caleb around that time to join them?"

No one answered. They were all thinking then one after the other shook their heads 'no.'

"I thought so."

"What is this all about Paddy?" Cody asked this time.

"Caleb has told us."

"Who is us Paddy?" Cody asked.

"The Elders and my family." Paddy pointed to me.

"Caleb told you what?"

"Caleb told us that he had contacted you but none of you came to join them. It turns out that was a good thing."

"Caleb is a shaman for your father's clan right Paddy?" Trish asked curiously.

"Yes Madam."

"Why are you asking about him? What has he done this time?" Beverly asked with no interest.

"He has lied to the Elders and he has harmed my wife." They looked at me.

"She looks all right to me." Trish said quietly.

"Kylie was carrying twins up until a month ago when he put silver in her food. This killed our children." They all gasped.

"You were carrying twins Kylie." Cody sounded like he did not believe us.

"Yes I was." I said. Paddy grabbed my hand.

"Wait a minute, why would silver hurt you Kylie? You are a vampire."

"Yes I am a vampire that has werewolf venom in her. Silver does harm me."

They all had a slight tilt to their heads.

"How is that possible?" Victor asked.

"I was bitten by a werewolf before I was made into a vampire."

"Now we understand." Victor nodded with a smile.

"Was anyone else harmed by the silver?" Trish asked.

"Yes Katey the cook and Lizzy my grandmother."

"He harmed an Elder. Is the man insane?" Trish shook her head.

"Beverly what has Caleb done in the past?" Paddy asked.

"Do you know about the Sacred Pond in Northern Ireland?" She asked him.

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