Untitled Part 58

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We finished out tea. Shaun and Colleen went to put Melissa to bed. Cory and Gen went on patrol. Samuel went to check on his people.

Cassie was sitting beside me after Samuel left. Her eyes had changed back to normal.

"You do not know if we will go through this 'hell' thing?"

"No Cassie we do not. You and Quinn are mixed blood. One of you might go through it. Both or none. It is hard to say what will happen."

"Everything is new with us." She said. I nodded.

A few days later Samuel left with his group.

I noticed Colleen for the last little while. She would go and pick up the mail. She would be preoccupied for a while until it was time to pick up the mail again. She would rush off to the mail office.

"What is wrong with Colleen?" I asked Paddy one night after they left to put Melissa to bed.

"She has been waiting for her parents' letter. It has been two years since their last letter."

"Two years? I thought they wrote her every year."

"They normally do. The fire and the letter were here at the same time."

"Oh dear. She must be frantic."

"More like worried to death. Dad says she is not eating and she very irritable."

"What do they usually tell her?"

"Where they are, what they have been up to and what they plan to do?"

"It is really detailed?" He nodded.

"My mother's parents always make sure that she and her family do not miss anything that is happening. Their letters are pages and pages long."

"Dad and I figured out one time it was almost a page for every week from each of them."

"No wonder she is frantic. She misses them."

"That is part of it. Remember she was telling you about her clan disappearing?" I nodded. "She is worried that it has happened to them."

"What are her parents like?" He smiled and kissed my lips. "Nothing like my father's parents. They love all creatures. They used to be the Security here. They were a little homesick so they went home for a while. Then my Grandmother became ill. My mother went to take care of her. She met my father while she was there."

"I remember you telling me the last part when was the last time you saw them?"

"Shortly after Cory and Gen were born. They came to see them. Actually they come after Mom has had a child." His voice faded. "Melissa will be a year old soon. They are usually here before we turn a year old."

"Do you think something has happened to them?"

"I do not know. Mom is the only one that can talk to them when they are far away. If they are close like in Great Britain we all can talk to them."

"Do you know if she has tried?" He shrugged his shoulders. He looked worried. I kissed his forehead.

The next day I went with Colleen into the marketplace. She went to pick up the mail. I shopped the food stands with Melissa. I was holding her in my arms while checking some fruit with the other. She leaned over and grabbed the apple out of my hand and started eating it.

I looked at the farmer's wife. "She will take that one and I will take the rest of the basket of apples." She dumped the basket of apples into my bag. I paid her.

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