Untitled Part 67

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Shaun met us in the training square.

"Where have you been?" I looked at Cassie.

"I told you Grandpa. We were at Uncle Athos' place."

"Oh yes. I am sorry. I forgot." He looked worried.

"Is everything all right, Shaun?"

"Yes and no. Everything is fine here. It is just Melissa. She has not stopped crying since Quinn left."

"Really? How strange."

"I will go and get her Grandpa." She smiled. "I will take her for a swim."

"Your grandmother would love that."

Cassie ran off the square. I watched her leave. "Have you heard from Paddy?"

"Yes. Quinn is already starting to control his shifting. They may be back sooner."

"Good." We started to walk back to our quarters. "How are Athos and Anna?"

"They are fine and enjoying themselves."

"Why did you go see him?"

"I do not know Shaun. I just had this sudden urge to go see them." I shrugged my shoulders. "It is all right, Kylie. I thought maybe you needed to see Athos."

"No, no. I just wanted to go for a short visit."

"Oh!" I could smell Katey's cooking. Shaun looked at me. "Are you all right?"

"Yes. Just hungry." He nodded then smiled. "Come on. We will have something to eat." He escorted me to Katey's kitchen. I knew I could not eat a lot so only took a small bowl of her soup. Shaun had usual plateful.

We sat quietly and ate. I have learned over the years not to discuss things in the common areas of the cavern. Being part of the Elite Guard means you know more things than the regular Guard.

We put our dishes in the big tub by the door. Shaun walked me to my quarters.

"I will see you later Kylie. If Cassie has Melissa. I am going to enjoy some peace and quiet before she comes back."

"All right Shaun." I kissed his cheek. "Thank you." He smiled then nodded.

I walked into my quarters. I could smell Melissa's scent. Cassie had her down in the bathing pool. I followed them down.

They were playing in the water.

"Kyee play."

"Just a minute Melissa."

I quickly undressed and dove into the water. Melissa was giggling when I popped my head up. She took turns swimming back and forth between Cassie and I. I taught her to hold her breathe and go under the water. She thought that was fun.

"Cassie take her upstairs and feed her. She is starting to wrinkle."

"All right Mom." Cassie scooped her up and brought her to the beach and dried her. She was still giggling.

I dove under the water and stayed there for a little while.

I was upstairs in the kitchen cleaning up when Liam and Lizzy came for a visit.

"Hello Kylie did you have a pleasant visit with Athos?" Liam asked.

"Yes I did." I smiled.

"I have not seen Athos in a long time almost two hundred years."

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