Untitled Part 53

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 He ran back to his sled again. This time he came back with some type of salted meat. I gave it to Paddy. He chewed slowly on it. "Not as good as fresh meat but it will do." Paddy said hoarsely. The man kept pointing at me to try it. I shook my head. He kept pointing to the meat then his mouth.

"Do you want me to dress you?" He shook his head. "It will not be long before I can shift then we can leave."

"I do not think he wants us to leave." He brought another fur to wrap around me. I had stop breathing the furs reeked of decay. Paddy looked at me with alarm. "Why did you stop breathing?"

"The furs." I pointed to them. He made a face. "Eww. I understand."

"How are you doing?" He took another bite of the meat. "This is really good. It works faster them fresh meat."

"Good." He sat up to check his wound. It looked weeks old. "Almost done. Here he comes again." He brought the dogsled alongside us. He walked over to Paddy. He showed him that he wanted to pick him up and put him in the sled then pointed to the East.

Paddy shook his head 'no'. He stood up to show the man his wound. The man went pale. "I guess he has never seen a naked man before." Paddy joked.

"Probably not." I touched his wound. "Does it still hurt?"

"Just a little. It tingles though. That is how I know it is almost healed." He put his hand over mine and held it against him.

"You are getting cold. Your lips are turning blue."

"You are right." His teeth were starting to chatter I stood up and wrapped the fur around him. I made sure he was standing on my fur to keep his feet from freezing.

"These furs are very warm." His teeth had stopped chattering and his lips were almost back to pink.

"Ready to head back to London?" I nodded. Paddy shifted back into a black bear. The man screamed and ran to his sled.

"Run for the ocean. I will catch up." He nodded then ran for the water. I picked up the furs and put them on the sled.

"Thank you." I smiled then ran after Paddy. I caught up to him just as he was about to leap into the water. As he dove in he shifted to a dolphin. I held his dorsal fin. We were at the Irish coast a short time later.

Paddy put his clothes on. He looked sad.

"What is wrong?"

"So much for taking you out for dinner. I was almost someone's dinner."

"Paddy we always go out for dinner."

He laughed. "I was hoping for something different."

"You mean the sea lion?"

"Yes." He shook his head. "I do not think it would have been any good. I noticed during the fight between the polar bear and the sea lion. It took a lot to make the sea lion bleed. The polar bear had to cut through a couple of inches of skin and fat."

"My teeth would not have bothered it."

"Probably not. You might have to take a couple of mouthfuls to reach the blood flow."

"That does not sound very good." I shrived at the thought. Paddy laughed.

"Let us find something more to our normal feeding habits."

We walked the moors for a while. We were in Northern Scotland.

"I am amazed at the destruction South of here. This part of Scotland was not touched by the fire. The difference is astonishing." Paddy was amazed.

We went North to the coastline. Here we had seal. Paddy ate in his panther form. We sat along the cliff watching the seals and the tide come in. The seals are quite comical when they are playing in the water.

Paddy laid back to watch the stars. I rolled on top of him. We kissed.

"Feeling better?" I kissed along his neck, down his chest until I found the red spot where the spear stabbed him. I kissed the spot. He moaned. I kept kissing it and nibbling around the area. "Kylie," he said hoarsely, "what...ah...are you doing?" He moaned.

"Kissing your sore spot. Am I hurting you?"

"No," he whispered, "quite the opposite."

"Oh?" I worked my way back up to his mouth. He smiled. "I am so glad I have you." He brushed back my hair. "Me too." We kissed. He rolled us over. He was on top. He kissed me very passionately.

We stayed on the cliff until just before dawn.

"We should go back." Paddy said nuzzling my neck.

"Yes I know." We left the cliff reluctantly.

Councilwoman Cleo spotted us when we returned to the cavern.

"How was dinner?" She smiled.

"Wonderful." I said. Paddy blushed. She laughed.

"I am glad you are all right Kylie." I bowed to her. "Thank you Madam. Please excuse me. I have to feed my husband his breakfast." I winked. She laughed again. "Please do Kylie. I do not like to see anyone go hungry."

We laughed then went to our quarters.

Paddy closed the door behind us. He grabbed me by the waist.

"I am only hungry for one thing."

"Good because that is what I am hungry for too."

We walked past the kitchen into our bedroom.

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